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"No. That was all Stacy. I peed myself and couldn't stop shaking. I don't have a brave bone in my whole body."

"You're wrong," I say, giving her thigh a squeeze. "You're being brave right now, going to warn your friends about the lab."

"Only because I have you." She squeezes me tighter. "My knees would be knocking if you weren't here to protect me."

"You can always count on me to keep you safe, lula."

I swell with pride knowing my mate trusts me to protect her. Struck by that knowledge, a surge of adrenaline fuels me to run faster.



Mordox has been runningfor what feels like hours. I seem to be the only one who is exhausted; well, maybe Tris too. She's been curled up in a fluffy little blue-and-yellow-polka-dotted ball in the crook of my neck for a while now. Her little body emitting a low, melodic hum like a cat's purr. She's the sweetest little thing I've ever seen in my life with her big eyes and round, fuzzy face.

I stretch out my arms and arch my back, trying to find some relief from the body aches of straining to hang on to Mordox. My feet are locked at the ankles around his tight waist and my arms are draped around his neck, but not so tight that I choke him.

He hasn't slowed his pace since we got started, dodging around trees and leaping over logs with ease. If anything, he's increased his speed, hacking away at small branches and foliage with a scary-ass machete-looking blade to clear a path. Surprisingly, his breathing remains even and steady despite the physical exertion.

Mordox is amazing. Strong, fast, and agile, his huge, muscular body moves with grace and precision, even in the thick forest. But his ruggedly handsome face isn't what draws me to him. It's his empathy and compassion.

Even though he says I'm his to protect, he didn't have to come to my rescue and heal me with his medical cuff. I mean, he doesn't even know me.

And when he implied that I would only slow us down, which I totally would have, he smoothed over my wounded pride by making me feel useful instead of a hinderance. Maybe there is a potential threat that could sneak up behind us, but I doubt it given his keen sense of smell.

As for little Tris, he could have just let her die on the forest floor, but he hadn't. He'd nursed her back to health and cared for her.

If we were back on Earth, Mordox would be serious boyfriend material. Not that I've ever had a boyfriend before, but if I were making a checklist of qualities I would want in a guy, Mordox would be the gold standard.

As Mordox runs, I marvel at the beauty of the forest around us. I didn’t see any of the scenery when he carried me back to his wicker-ball treehouse after I was injured. And my only other Zune outing was when Drax rushed us to the underground lab, but I was too scared to marvel over my surroundings.

Safe in Mordox's arms, I can relax enough to admire the thick, vibrant foliage. The alien trees are mostly in shades of green and blue, sprinkled with colorful berries or tiny buds, nothing like what grows on Earth. Bright, orange sunlight filters through the dense canopy, dappling shadows on the ground. The air here is crisper and cleaner than anything I've ever smelled.

Mordox cuts a hard left and runs along the bank of a raging river. Now that I've seen the white-water rapids, I understand how Stacy fell in and couldn't swim back to shore. She said Drax jumped in and saved her, caring for her until she was well enough to travel.

"We stop here to eat." Mordox sniffs at the air as he so often does, slows to a jog, and eventually stops at a large, flat rock near the river's edge.

My legs cramp and wobble as he sets me on my feet. I take a step back, but his strong hands remain firmly around my waist. He doesn't let go right away, and I'm hyper-aware of the warmth of his body.

His emerald gaze lingers on me before he steps away and unshoulders the pack, pulling out various pouches and handing the last one to me. "Dried alope and nuts for us. Blit fruit and berries for Tris."

I suck back a gasp although I'm not surprised by his kindness. "You are the sweetest man ever, Mordox! You packed rations for Tris too."

Mordox goes stone still. The tight weave of turquoise scales covering his face flushes a deep blue. Had I made the big, horned alien blush?


He rubs at the ear where his translator is plugged. "A man is the male of your species, but I'm not a man, lula. I'm a Ziarian male."

"You're right, duh." I tuck my hair behind my ear and open the pouch for Tris, who wastes no time reaching inside to pluck out a small, round globe that looks like a grape. She hops down off my shoulder to sit on the flat rock, nibbling the fruit she holds between tiny, clawed fingers.

"I just love her," I gush. "She's the cutest thing I've ever seen. How did you come up with the name Tris?"

"Named after my sister who died at birth." Mordox takes a seat on the rock, turning up the water skin before handing it to me. "When I found her, she was newly born. Lying helpless in the dirt, her frailty reminded me of the younger sister I never knew."

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I blink back the sudden press of tears. "That sounds so lame, but no words really seem appropriate enough."

"Thanks." Mordox pats the spot next to him, handing me the pouch of dried alope. "Come sit. Eat."
