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Silently,I slip through the dense growth of the Zune Forest, inhaling deeply as my scentiatry glands sift through the myriad of scents that fill the air. Now that I've chased the pack of wulks away and the threat to my female's safety has passed, I must return to the crash site and resume my vigil.

The forest around me is lush and alive with vibrant blues and greens. Trees tall enough to touch the sky sway on a fragrant breeze, hot and sultry. Sunlight streams through breaks in the dense canopy, illuminating patches of moss and ferns that carpet the forest floor. Colorful flowers peek out from between the trees, their heads tipped toward the sun as they drink in its rays.

The beauty of the forest is deceiving; it hides the dangers that lurk within.

My heart beats faster as I near the crash site. I can already feel her, as if an invisible thread connects us. Primal instincts surge through me and I can't help the fierce protectiveness I feel toward her. But I must remain cautious—find the perfect time to make my presence known.

A stiff breeze stirs the heavy foliage, carrying with it the unmistakable scent of the altered male, Gruxt. My scentiatry glands pick up the scent immediately, and my entire body tenses. He's out there, moving closer to the crash site—closer toher.

"Shite," I hiss under my breath, my scales rippling down my spine in a spiny wave as I sprint toward the new threat. My horns pivot forward, the deadly points aimed outward and ready for a fight. Small branches snap, and leaves stir in the wake of my slashing tail.

Gruxt cannot be allowed near my mate. I track the scent of the altered male, adrenaline coursing through my veins like liquid fire, every step bringing me closer to the confrontation I've been waiting for.

I keep low to the ground, following Gruxt’s scent through the thick of the forest. Nostrils flare as I catch a more pungent whiff of the altered male. A vile, acrid odor that sets my fangs on edge. He's closing in on the crash site.

As I push through the dense foliage, more scents hit me: the pale-maned female and her companions. They're moving away from the crash site and toward the underground lab. Panic floods me, drowning out reason. There's another male with them, an unknown presence, and I can't help but fear the worst. What does he want with her? With them?

I need to reach her before she enters the underground lab, to protect her from the creature that remains inside. But first, I must stop Gruxt. I race forward, every muscle in my body aching with the desperate need to reach her.

My heart races as Rooke's scent—a mixture of sweat and determination—follows me through the dense foliage. The male is persistent, but I can't focus on him now. The altered beast is closing in on the females—on my mate. My blood roars in my ears, an alarm within me growing louder.

I force my legs to pump faster, ignoring the sting of branches whipping and slashing against my scales.

My first glimpse of Gruxt sends a chill down my spine. His orange-streaked mane is visible through the thick vegetation, a wild and deadly presence that demands attention. My instincts scream to prepare for battle.

Angled forward, my horns ache for carnage. My scales stand erect across my shoulders and back—a primal display of strength and aggression.

The altered male crashes through the underbrush, his massive frame shaking the ground beneath our feet. Despite the danger, my thoughts drift to my mate—my beautiful, fragile, pale-maned female. I need to protect her, to keep her safe from the nightmare bearing down on her.

I charge forward, every fiber of my being focused on the battle ahead. Rooke follows suit, our united front a testament to our shared goal to save the females who call to our primal urges.

I sprint full speed ahead, my heart pounding in my chest. Every muscle strains as I leap through the air, clashing with the altered male. The world around me fades away and all that matters now is the fight and the overwhelming need to protect what's mine.

My claws dig into Gruxt's back, and for a brief moment, I think I have the upper hand. But then I'm flung away like a mere pest. The world spins around me as I hit the ground, rolling to absorb the impact. I grit my teeth and force myself to stand, launching myself at him once more. This time, my claws find their mark, slashing across his face and leaving deep gashes in their wake.

The altered male is a monstrous sight, twice my size and weight. His orange-streaked mane sticks out in every direction, shaggy and wild around enormous horns. His fangs drip with viscous goo, and his eyes, sinister orange orbs, gleam with a terrible intelligence that sends chills down my spine.

I ignore the searing pain that threatens to consume me.

Enraged, the altered male lashes out, his claws, twice as long as mine, catch me across the chest, tearing through my scales. The searing pain ignites a primal rage within me, a dark, fathomless anger that drowns out everything else.

I circle Gruxt, contemplating my next move. My heart pounds as I keep my eyes locked on him, never allowing my gaze to waver for even a moment. He's a hulking beast of a creature, with armored scales standing erect like triangular knives across the breadth of his shoulders and down his spine to the base of his lashing tail.

His face distorted and twisted, he no longer resembles the Ziarian male he once was.

Gruxt follows my movements just as I hoped. He turns so that the yellow-maned male escorting the females has a chance to strike him from behind. My heart races, knowing that we need to work together if we are to bring this monster down.

The yellow-maned male growls, making his move. He quickly jabs Gruxt in the side with a wicked-looking dagger, then rolls away to avoid retaliation.

Unnaturally dark blue blood leaks from the wound, staining the vibrant green foliage at his feet. Gruxt tosses back his massive head and roars in outrage, turning to swipe at the yellow-maned male.

Together, we charge the monster before us. The battle is fierce, the air thick with the stench of blood. And amid it all, one thought remains clear in my mind: I will do whatever it takes to save her, even if it costs me my life.

Incensed, Gruxt lunges at me with a guttural snarl. His meaty hand wraps around my throat, squeezing tightly as he lifts me off the ground. My feet dangle helplessly in the air, kicking at nothing as I fight for breath.

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