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I quickly do the math in my head. "That still leaves one unaccounted for."

"Yes, it does, and that's what I told them. Drax swears he searched every room down here and found nothing."

"I won't be convinced of that until I search this place for myself. I'm not taking any chances with your safety."

"We might be in here for a while." Zoe grimaces. "Drax is proving the hardest to convince of your innocence. He seems the most stubborn out of the four Ziarians."

"Four?" I nearly choke on the dried alope I'm chewing.

"Drax, Rooke, Slye, and Bruke."

"I know of Slye. He's Rooke's second, the space pirate's trusted right-hand male, but I don't know Bruke."

"Darcy said he's a tech nerd like Drax. They hacked into your personal file and admitted everything I told them about you checks out, but they still aren't convinced you're innocent."

"If they're so distrustful of me, then why am I not lying dead in the forest?"

"Because I threatened to run away if they didn't help you. I made the males all promise not to hurt you."

"So fierce, lula." Her bravery sends a shiver of pride through me. This tiny female is a treasure. One to be protected at any cost, even if it means giving my life to ensure her safety. I set aside the pouch of dried alope and reach down to scoop her up with one arm, settling her on my lap in a single, possessive sweep.

Zoe gasps, her palms pressed flat against the heavy pads of my pectorals. "Feels like you've gotten your strength back."

I chuckle, then grow serious when it occurs to me. "Have you only had the rations we packed to eat?" I growl. "Has no one brought you fresh food to eat?"

"They have," she giggles, patting the scales on my chest and stilling my breath in my lungs. "It's the middle of the night. At least, I think it is. It's hard to tell with no clocks. Darcy and the other girls bring me food and refill the water skin three times a day. They've invited me to the galley, but I refuse to leave you here alone."

I close my eyes and savor the feel of her wrapped in my arms. "Thank you for watching over me while I healed."

"Just returning the favor," she says wrapping her arms around my middle.

Perched on my lap, she's so light and small, reminding me all over again how fragile her little human body is. How easily she can be hurt or killed. I hug her to me, wanting to shield her from all harm. Despite the strength I know she possesses within, I want to be her armor against any potential threats on this primitive moon.

The connection I feel for her surges, an anchor in the storm of my rampant thoughts. I cannot allow anything to happen to her. I shudder, pushing aside the unthinkable. I've been alone for so long, I can't imagine returning to the emptiness of my home high in the trees without her.

"Are you all right, Mordox?"

"Fine," I lie, not wanting to burden her with my fears. "Just tired."

"I should let you rest." Zoe tries to push out of my arms, but I hold her tight.

"Rest here with me." I scoot over and onto my side, curling my body around hers. With her back resting against my front, I pull her tightly to me. Tris hops up my body, settling on her usual spot above my head on the pillow.

A tenderness lingers in the air as I hold onto her, a respite from the turmoil of uncertainty and danger surrounding us. Overwhelmed by a surge to defend her, my instincts scream at me to keep her safe.

The contentment settling deep within my bones turns hot the longer her sweet body is pressed against mine. The seams of my pants strain as my cock thickens with the promise of pleasure soon to come. My horns ache as the deadly points shift toward the back of my head, readying me for the sacred kiss all Ziarian males gift their chosen mates.

My hand glides down Zoe's body, easing the hem of her garment higher up her thigh. Tracing her soft curves with my fingertips, she shivers against me.

"What are you doing, Mordox?" Zoe stiffens but presses the curve of her bottom into my engorged member.

"Preparing to gift you with the sacred kiss a male gives his female. One I should have given you the first time I scented your arousal."

Zoe sucks back a gasp. "That's not possible. Men can't smell a woman's arousal."

"I'm not a man, lula." With my claws retracted, I slip my hand between her thighs, cupping her slick mound.

"Mordox..." her breathy moan ignites my blood.

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