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The throbbing fullness at his base has swelled into a hard knot, nestled deep inside me; the exquisite pressure sends waves of pleasure coursing through me. He grinds against me, pushing me to the brink of ecstasy until I shatter. Blinded and consumed with indescribable sensations, I can only surrender to the intense pleasure coursing through me. My muscles clench around his cock, my pulsating walls milking it until his knot deflates.

Mordox collapses over me, his forehead rests against mine. Our lips meet in a tender kiss as he slowly withdraws from my spasming core. The sudden absence of his cock leaves me empty now that our bodies are no longer joined. I can't help but wonder how soon we can do this again.

Mordox leaves me only long enough to lift my dress from where it landed on the floor in his haste to get me naked. I take it from him and pull it on over my head as he fastens his pants.

Is it weird that he took my virginity with his boots on?

"Rest now, lula," Mordox whispers against my hair, curling his body around mine protectively. His turquoise tail wraps gently around my legs, the tuft of fur at its end lovingly brushing my calf. The air is saturated with the perfume of our mating, a heady spice that amplifies the intimacy of our connection.

I lean back against his strong chest, feeling the rhythmic rise and fall of his breath. His glossy black hair streaked with green, cascades over my shoulder, forming a silky curtain between us and the world outside.

A twinge of disappointment that we never spoke of love stains my happiness. Maybe that will come later. Develop over time with the strong feelings I have for him. I push down my disappointment and live in the moment.

My eyelids grow heavy as Tris hops back onto the bed and curls her little body in the crook of my elbow. I drift off to sleep, cradled in Mordox's arms, reveling in the bond we just forged.

In this moment, on this alien moon, with Tris cuddled against me, we are more than just individuals from different worlds—we are a family.



I waketo Mordox stiffening behind me. The soft sound of the door sweeping open has my eyelids lifting to Tasha's knowing smile.

"I would ask how you slept, but your post-orgasmic O-face says you weren't in here sleeping." Tasha limps inside followed by Darcy, Stacy, and Romy who carries a tray of food. "We brought breakfast."

Embarrassment floods me, hot and prickly like a thousand stinging nettles. My cheeks are on fire, flushing a bright red that I'm sure matches Tasha's fiery head of hair.

Mordox and I push up to sitting positions. Thankfully we redressed after our romantic interlude. I can't imagine the mortification if we were both naked before our uninvited guests. I'm tempted to turn and hide my face in the mountains of his muscular chest, but I don't. I clear my throat, giving Tasha a tight smile. "We were asleep. You just woke us up."

"My bad," Tasha smirks. "I would apologize but I'm so jelly right now, I simply can't make myself do it."

"Don't give Zoe a hard time, Tasha, just because you're grumpy," Stacy fusses.

"That's easy for you to say," the redhead leans on the curved pole she's been using as a cane. "Unlike some of us, you're getting laid on a regular basis. Maybe I wouldn't be so grumpy if you'd control your cockblocking boyfriend."

"Slye only wants one thing." Romy rolls her eyes and sets the tray of food on the counter.

"He and I have that in common," Tasha remarks tightly then turns a heated glare on Drax as he fills the doorway. "Speaking of the cockblocker."

"Good to see you're fully healed, Mordox." Drax saunters in, meeting Tasha's glare with an exasperated expression. The other three males wait just outside the door, and from one heartbeat to the next, our intimate love nest becomes way too crowded.

"Something you want, techy?" Mordox tucks me into his side protectively.

"You were right." Drax hands Mordox a tablet. "There's a hidden door inside the storage room next door with more entrapment areas leading to even more rooms."

Mordox takes the tablet and studies the map displayed. His scales ripple across his shoulders and down his back. "So there's a chance the last miner, or the creature he has become, is still down here with us?"

Fear skitters down my spine. The safety I once felt vanishing in an instant.

"Yes." Drax crosses his arms over the girth of his chest, the yellow-eyed male looking defensive.

"We need to find and destroy it." Mordox hops off the bed disturbing a snoozing Tris.

The tiny plurshy lets loose a squeak and climbs onto my shoulder, not liking the interruption of so many people any more than me.

"There's nowewhere you're concerned." Drax puts up a hand. "It hasn't yet been decided if you can be trusted."

"Then why show me this?" Mordox hands Drax back the tablet.
