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"Me too," Bruke agrees. "We have to trust each other if we're going to beat those things. Plus, there are still lifers at large that must be dealt with."

"Slye?" Rooke turns to his second in command. "What do you say?"

The male with blue-streaked hair looks down at his booted feet before meeting Rooke's ruby gaze. "Who are we to judge? Everyone thinks you're a killer too. I was there and know your truth. With all we've discovered about Zune, Mordox could very well be innocent, jailed for discovering something he shouldn’t have. Besides, Mordox has experience killing these things and we don’t. Even after dragging Mordox’s most recent kill down here, there were no weakness to be found in its tough exoskeleton.”

"All right," Drax says, looking over all the males. "It's settled. You're free, Mordox, but I still don't trust you."

"You're not alone, Mordox," Rooke barks out a laugh. "Drax still doesn't wholly trust me either. Welcome aboard. I'm Rooke."

"I know who you are." Mordox bobs his chin at the grinning space pirate. "I saw you on Octari 5 searching for your next prize."

Rooke stills, then tosses his head back with raucous laughter. "Fucking bleeker cunts! You do get around."

"You have no idea," Mordox smirks.

"Now that we're all friends, let's get started on a plan to find and kill these remaining creatures," Rooke sobers. "I don't enjoy the thought of my Darcy being in danger."

"The females need to be kept in the safest part of the lab while we search," Mordox states. "Drax, you got a full schematic of this underground maze?"

Drax nods, and the males all gather around the tablet making plans to search the hidden sections of the lab. With Mordox's fate determined, I can finally relax. I join the girls on the opposite side of the room.

"Sorry for treating you like a kid," Darcy looks at me sheepishly. "I've just always thought of you as a little sister. I've been overly protective of you because of that, but you're grown and can make your own decisions."

"Don't apologize, Darcy." I grin, pulling her into a hug. "I'm so grateful to have you as my big sister."

"Hey! What about me? We're sisters from another mister too." Tasha taps me on the shoulder, and I'm suddenly being passed around for hugs.

"And me," Romy chimes in with her heavily accented English that makes me smile harder. "Don't forget about your German sister."

"And me too." Stacy is the last pair of arms to hug me tight.

"So you and Mordox, huh?" Darcy asks glancing over at where he stands with the other males.

"Yeah, Mordox," I admit, my cheeks flushing hot. "So you and Rooke, huh?"

"Not really that big of a surprise considering how flirtatious he was from the very beginning." Darcy casually shrugs.

"True." I shrug back.

"Funny how the most timid out of all of us picks the most dangerous male to mate," Stacy jokes, causing all the girls to chuckle.

"What can I say, he's my person," I admit, squirming out from under the weight of their attention by turning to Tasha. "So, you and Slye, huh?"

"I wish," the redhead says with a saucy toss of her hair. "Drax has trust issues and won't leave us alone long enough to even get to first base."

"He's just trying to protect you." None of us are surprised when Stacy comes to Drax's defense. "He feels responsible for all of us."

"I appreciate his protection," Tasha lays her palm over her heart, "but I just want to get laid with no strings attached, and Slye is hot."

"What if there's no such thing asno strings attachedwith these guys?" Stacy hikes her thumb over her shoulder at the gathered males.

Tasha narrows accusing eyes on Stacy. "It's not Drax cockblocking me, it's you."

Stacy opens her mouth but snaps it closed.

"It is!" Tasha shouts, gaining the attention of the males across the room.

Stacy glances over at the guys, giving them a nothing-to-see-here wave, before whispering, "What if there are unknown consequences to randomly sexing up one of these guys, Tasha?"

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