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"We can't let it leave this room!" I order, my thoughts consumed by the safety of Zoe and the other females.

Drax runs to double check the exit, making sure the door is locked down tight and not a moment too soon. The thin crack gives way with the thrashing of the creature inside, breaking open and spilling its contents onto the floor. Thick liquid oozes out in heavy splats across the floor, carrying with it a sickly-sweet scent that assaults my scentiatry glands.

We all leap back, what weapons we have up and ready to fight, as the creature falls from its prison with a wet thud. Its body still for a moment before its limbs start twitching, its tail flicking back and forth.

Without warning, it erupts from the floor and charges us, its claws and teeth bared. I fire the two stunners in my hands. Electricity streams from the weapons, covering the creature in a bright blue light. Its body shakes and twitches, its movements slowing.

Rooke adds his stunner fire to mine, the creature bowing under the assault until our stunners run out of power. It rears its disfigured head, releasing a scale-raising roar that echoes through the lab.

The creature shakes off the effects of our stunners, turns, and rushes the door. Its movements jerky and uncoordinated as it hits the metal slab, leaving behind a considerable dent.

The five of us move as one, wielding what few weapons we have between us, jabbing and slashing in a vain attempt to subdue the beast. Our stabs and blows deflect off its tough armored scales. Its unnatural movements are erratic, making it difficult to anticipate its next move.

It extends claws as long as daggers, slashing at us, pushing us back, before turning its attention to the door once more. With only a few swipes of its lethal blades, a hole is torn large enough for the creature to squeeze through.

Gone in an instant, we follow the creature down the many halls and through ripped entrapment doors. Our footsteps echo off the walls as we race after it, following its trail of destruction. We are not far behind, passing by the hall leading to where the females wait. Instead of turning, it continues on through a room with many monitors until it tears its way into the broken lift, the platform sitting cockeyed inside the shaft. With little effort, the creature scales the shaft, disappearing into the forest.



I startle.The hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention in sheer terror. All of us girls huddle together, my skin crawling with fear from the primal roar of something unearthly. Sounds of chaos penetrate the many doors and halls blocking our room from the main corridor. The screeching of metal being ripped apart echoes through the air.

Tris leaps out of Stacy's hands to climb my arm and hide under my short hair. Her furry little body trembling and shaking as little noises of distress mingle with her panting breaths.

"What the fuck is all that?" Darcy leaps up from the bed where we huddle together.

"Scheisse!" Romy softly curses. "Nothing good."

"Mordox was right," I say. "The missing miner is still here, turned into a creature, and they found it."

"We're behind three solid metal doors and two entrapments halls," Tasha says, scooting closer to me. "How is it we can hear what's going on through all that?"

"You saw what they did to Gruxt." I wrap my arms around my middle to keep from shivering. "It's sounds like they found another one like him."

"Check the door, Darcy, and make sure it's good and locked," Tasha demands in a panic.

"We can't hide in here while the guys are out there fighting off whatever is making all that noise." Darcy motions to the keypad adjacent to the door. "Stacy, bring that grygore device thingy Drax gave you and unlock the door. We need to go help them."

"No way." Stacy crosses the room with a stern shake of her head. "Drax made sure we were in the most remote part of the lab. We're safe here."

"How can you just leave Drax out there? Those guys are barely armed." Darcy bangs a fist on the door panel. "My Rooke has little more than a prison shank to defend himself."

Her frustration and fear reflect my own. I know Mordox can take care of himself, but I've also seen him gravely injured and know he would die to keep me safe. I don't want that to happen.

"We all saw the fight with Gruxt. What can we do except get in the way?" Stacy argues back. "You don't think I'm freaking out right now? My Drax is out there too."

"At least use the damn comm and see if they're okay," Darcy pleads.

"I vote for calling them on the comm," I speak up, my worry compounding for Mordox.

Stacy nods and activates the comm, but Drax doesn't respond. My heart races, banging against the cage of my ribs as I think of Mordox out there, fighting another nightmarish creature.

Suddenly, the crashing and screeching sounds grow louder and closer before fading off into the distance. After a while of us holding a collective breath, we hear what sounds like an army tramping through the corridors with a thunderous roar.

"We can't stay in here," Darcy whispers as she and Stacy slowly back away from the door. "We need to know what's going on out there."

With trembling fingers, Stacy attempts to contact Drax again, but there's still no response. There's only static on the other end. A cold sliver of dread snakes down my spine, but I refuse to entertain the notion that Mordox is either badly hurt or worse.
