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“And you are mine.”

Rooke takes a seat at the console, the Kaul shackled to the helm at his feet. Bruke takes the other, assuming the role of navigator while the space pirate's second in command, Slye recovers in the medic bay.

A buzz of excitement fills the air as Rooke scans Qhix's palm, the ship reading his biometric signature. The engines ignite in a soft vibration before powerful thrusters launch us off the surface of Zune and into the vast expanse of space toward our first stop, Elysis to deliver the males in the cargo hold eager to enjoy their newfound freedom.



Time seemsto speed by as we built a home on Crao. The planet on the far reaches of the known Universe bore many similarities to Earth with blue skies and crystal-clear lakes yet, there are stark differences. The trees have vibrant purple leaves and the lakes glow with a soft green light. The air is different too, infused with a sweet scent that reminds me of wildflowers.

The wildlife on Crao is unlike anything I've ever seen, creatures with iridescent scales and wings that shimmered in various hues. It feels like we are living in a dream, far removed from the chaos and danger we experienced on Zune.

On this ethereal planet, our group of five Ziarian males and five human girls have chosen to build a new life together. We spread out along the serene banks of a stunning lake, building simple homes with thatched roofs.

The mated couples like me and Mordox share a dwelling as well as Romy and Tasha. The single males, Bruke and Slye each have their own house.

Slye had fully recovered from his injury. We all figured once Drax had stopped cockblocking the flirtatious couple, they would have hooked up. But to everyone's surprise, Tasha has lost interest in bedding the blue-haired male though they remain friendly toward each other.

It's rained for the last few days, chasing us all indoors. But today, the sun is shining, and we are planning a group picnic on the lake's edge.

Tris hops onto my shoulder as I gather the basket with all the delicious treats we've prepared. Outside our home, the trees sway gently in the breeze, their purple leaves rustling harmoniously. Our plurshy companion always sticks close to us, unsure of her surroundings.

Mordox, ever the protective mate, walks by my side, his sharp eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger. Our bond has only grown stronger since leaving Zune, and I find solace in his presence.

As we make our way to the designated picnic spot, Romy and Tasha are already there, lounging on a blanket and chatting animatedly. Romy's purple hair, now fading to a dark blonde from lack of L'Oreal's Power Violet 48, shimmers golden tones in the sunlight. She catches sight of us and waves us over, her smile infectious.

Mordox unfurls an expansive blanket we found on the Thrushian vessel that brought us here, and we plop down on a plush patch of grass next to the giggling girls. Rooke and Darcy saunter over, their steps confident and carefree, while Drax and Stacy amble behind. Bruke and Slye eventually make their way to our circle, filling the air with witty jabs and good-natured teasing.

The males take charge of setting up a small fire pit nearby, preparing to grill some fresh fish caught from the lake while we girls lounge and chat.

"I still can't believe we're living on another planet," Darcy says lying on her back and gazing up into the cloudless sky. "We're like interstellar pioneers."

"I know, right," I laugh, reaching up to scratch Tris behind her ear. "Not that I'm complaining, but I do miss the food. Nothing here compares to a good Earth burger."

"I miss my family and friends," Tasha sighs longingly. "Now that everything has calmed down and we're not constantly worried about being killed by scary lab creatures, my thoughts are consumed with the people I'll never see again."

"Is that why you've changed your mind about Slye?" Stacy whispers so the males cooking nearby don't hear. "Drax is no longer standing in your way if he's who you want to share your bed with."

"No." Tasha sits up from where she's lounged and pushes bright red hair from her face. "At least, I don't think so. Ever since we left Zune something's been off with me. I know I sat at Slye's bedside while he healed, but my initial attraction has burned out. You know when you have a crush, but then you meet someone else who captivates your heart? You still like the crush, but no longer see him in a romantic light?"

"Your heart hasn't been captivated by Bruke, has it?" Romy eyes her warily.

"Good lord, no, Roms." Tasha swats at her friend. "He's all yours."

Our group falls silent, each of us with mates wondering who Tasha is pining after.

Tasha rolls her eyes and groans. "Before any of you start asking, I promise I haven't fallen for any of the guys, mated or not. I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I'm just sad because I'm the only one here who doesn't have a fated mate."

"Bruke is not my fated mate," Romy utters.

"Bitch please," Tasha good-naturedly scoffs. "Any time you get within a foot of the guy, his pheromones go haywire."

My heart breaks for her and I'm flooded with guilt over my good fortune with finding my perfect mate in Mordox. It isn't fair that I should be so happy while she's obviously lonely.

I'm first to wrap my arms around Tasha before she's enveloped in a flurry of hugs and reassurances, with each of us promising that everything will be okay.

"We still have the Thrushian spacecraft at our disposal, and an entire Universe full of males just waiting to meet a gorgeous redheaded human," Stacy reminds her. "We aren't permanently stuck on Crao. I'll bet Rooke would fly us to any planet we want."

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