Page 7 of Vicious Slash

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Beau:Black or blue?

Sylvie:What? She sent a facepalm emoji to the text.

Beau:They're my colors. Which do you prefer?


She replied just as fast as the first time, and I smirked. She probably thought my favorite color was black, but I'd always been partial to blue. Something about the depths of the ocean, or open skies leading into starless space. All those romantic notions and bullshit.

Damn, I bet she looks sexy in blue.

Beau:I'll send something over.

I hit send, and then another detailing the time and date I’d pick her up before scrolling through info on the tailor I needed. I added in her measurements and sent them to the man. His team would work overtime for tomorrow night's event.

Sylvie:What the actual fuck?

Beau:Come with me, Miss Sylvie.


Beau:Aren’t you curious? I can be a gentleman.

Sylvie:Yeah, right. A gentleman who kisses, and never calls.

I winced at that, but I owned it. No one else knew I kissed her, but she was so goddamn strong after they stitched her back together, barely reacting to the pain I knew swamped her body, confusing her mind already fraying at the asshole’s betrayal. Five days I slept in her room, determined not to let her die on my watch.

Beau:Come to my playground, Sylvie Quick. Maybe we can make a replay of that kiss.

I watched the three little dots come and go a few times and she deliberated over her answer before she sent it. Her reply came through, and I knew I had her.


Another message came through hot on its heels.

Sylvie:You better have a goddamn limo.

I laughed out loud and sent back a black heart. Some of the pressure in my chest that my brother’s visit created eased. I threw my phone on the bed and headed downstairs.

I had planning to do.
