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Needing to taste that sound on my tongue, I leaned forward and kissed her.

The laugh died, and she kissed me back, touching my cheek as our tongues stroked each other languidly. When she pulled back to look up at me with dazed eyes, I smiled slowly. She smiled back, and I tilted my head toward hers to rest against her in the sweet aftermath.

My mind drifted for a minute as I enjoyed just being there. And when I remembered part of the conversation I’d had the night before, where basically every man I’d gotten drunk with had assured me that sex with someone you cared about was completely different than with just any woman, I snorted. “Those motherfuckers were actually right.”

Who’d have thunk it?

“What motherfuckers?” Chloe asked drowsily.

“Doesn’t matter,” I told her, turning to see her face. “Because that…was fucking awesome.”

She flushed through an embarrassed smile. And it was so charming that I had to reach up and run my fingers over the pink flesh. After marveling over how soft her cheeks were, I drew in a breath.

“Now… Let’s you and I get one thing clear,” I started. “I do too love you. You are everything I ever wanted. I’m just incredibly slow on the uptake of realizing that. But I know it now, and we’re not leaving this floor until you fucking know it too.”

Instead of scowling at my overbearing, caveman-like demand, she sent me a dreamy-eyed smile and ran her fingers up into my hair before gripping the locks and making her own silent demand for me to lower my head and kiss her again.

“I might need just alittlemore convincing if you don’t mind,” she rasped from dewy, moist lips and she arched and stretched under me.

I chuckled huskily. “Yes, ma’am,” I murmured, already dipping my face. “I aim to please.”

And I kissed her again.


“Do you think it’s possible…?” Luke murmured against my naked breasts where he’d been laying his head for the past fifteen minutes or so after our most recent round of lovemaking.

We were both naked and still camped out on the floor of the hallway because he’d been true to his word. He fully intended to keep me there until I agreed that he loved me. But I had yet to give in to such an admission, so he’d held me captive ever since.

I probably should’ve been freaked out, since the last time I’d been held captive, it hadn’t been so pleasant. But Luke made captivity fun, and I knew I wasn’t really being held there against my will, and if I did genuinely panic, he’d let me go in a heartbeat. But honestly, there was nowhere else I’d rather be than there in his arms. He filled our time waiting on me to give in and lose our competition with plenty of kissing, touching, licking, nibbling, and sex.

And God, the sex…

IthoughtI’d known what good sex was. But today had proven to me that I’d never had a clue. This—Luke—he was fantastic sex personified.

My body was already pulsing and thrumming with the need for more, even though I knew he couldn’t possibly be ready to go another round yet.

My hips gave a greedy little jerk, anyway, as I combed my fingers through Luke’s hair and asked, “Do I thinkwhatis possible?”

“Hmm?” he asked as if he’d already forgotten about making the statement in the first place, even as his hand settled on my waist to steady it. “Oh right,” he slurred and began to massage my hip with his amazingly talented, perfect fingers. “Do you think it’s possible to blow a blood vessel in your head and give yourself an aneurysm from coming too hard? Because my head is pounding right now, and I strained harder than was humanly possible the last time I was inside you.”

“I think you have a headache from beingdehydrated,” I answered, sucking in a breath when his fingers slid away from my hip and over my abdomen, shifting lower. “You did have a hangover this morning when you woke up, and it’s probably been long enough that your painkillers have worn off.”

“Has it really?” he asked in surprise. “Just how long have we been on this fucking floor?”

“Mmm,” I murmured, rolling my hip in delight when his fingers dipped between my legs and began to play with my clit. “Long time.”

“Yeah,” he agreed as his voice went rough. “Long enough for you to say it already, that’s for damn sure.”

My breath caught momentarily as he dipped a finger inside me. Then I shook my head and gripped his arm. “I’m not saying it.”

Because if I said it, this dream would end—because Ihadto be dreaming—and then I’d wake up, and this would be all over.

I wasn’t ready for it to be over yet.

“Oh, you’ll say it,” he assured as he lifted his head from my breast so he could grin cockily up at me. “And you’ll say it in the next five minutes.”

“Not going to happen,” I fired back, just as certain that I wouldn’t.
