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He pressed his lips to the abraded section of flesh on my rear, then he nibbled lower. When I jumped in surprise, he chuckled and sat up so he could mount me from behind.

I grabbed onto the sheets and lifted my hips to receive him. And when he pressed inside me, I caught my breath and closed my eyes, pushing back to meet his thrust.

My body was getting a little sore from the excessive amount of sex we’d already had, but it still felt so good that I relished the sweet ache, and came before he did when he reached around to the front and pinched my clit lightly.

He came not long after that, kissing the back of my ear and whispering how much he adored me.

It was so perfect and amazing that I smiled and closed my eyes, feeling drugged into this euphoric moment against my will. I might’ve even mumbled that I loved him back, but I couldn’t be sure. I passed out before I could rethink what had just happened.

I’m not sure how long I snoozed, but I’m pretty sure that Luke lay down and slept a bit with me until—

“Shit!” His shout jerked me instantly awake with a gasp.

“What? What?” I blurted, bolting upright, dizzy from how deeply I’d been out to how abruptly I was awake. “What’s wrong? Is he here?”

“I’m going to be late for work,” he said, flying out of the bed, only to pause and squint at me. “Iswhohere?”

I blinked at him, still trying to gain my bearings. “What?”

He shook his head and went back to stressing about the time. “Jesus. How long were we going at it? I swear it was barely seven when I was sitting on your bed, waiting for you to get out of the shower.”

I gathered the blankets to my chest, immediate worry clouding my chest, as I watched him scramble to find his clothes and pick them up off the floor.

“So you have to work today?” I asked, my eyes big and breaths starting to come in uneven gasps.

“Yeah, I…” He finally glanced my way and paused. “Damn. You look so fucking sweet like that.” Trudging back to the bed, he climbed onto the mattress and sat on his knees as he reached for my hair to cup it in his hands, and he kissed the top of my head. “Give me eight and a half hours—nine tops—and I’ll be back. I swear. We can finish this then.”

I frowned slightly as he pulled away again. “Finish what?”

“Our…you know…” He rolled out his hand. “The whole love conversation. What this means to us now. Where our future is headed and—fuck, I don’t know. We can have that conversation anytime. Honestly, I’m most looking forward to coming back so we can finish the sex part.”

I sent him a flushing smile. “I think we finished that. Multiple times.”

“But there are at least a dozen more ways I want to take you before the day’s over,” he promised. “So I’m going to hop in the shower right now, head to work, get my shift in, and give your pussy some time to heal, then come back here, and—”

“My pussy is fine,” I assured him, grabbing his arm and tugging him off-balance so that he fell back onto the bed with me. “So why don’t you call in sick and just continue with those dozen different ways of taking menow?”

“But I…”

I muffled his words with a long, wet, open-mouthed kiss. He kissed me back and then lifted his hands to clutch my hair. When he pulled away, he did so with a breathless whimper as he kept his face close and pressed his brow to mine.

“God, you do not play fair at all.”

“No, not playing fair would be if I did this…” I told him as I reached for his dick. But he caught my wrist before I could touch him.

“Chloe,” he warned in exasperation. “I can’t call in sick. I’m trying to impress your dad and be the best employee ever right now. And this wouldnot— Oh God. Don’t stop that.”

“Please,” I said, looking into his eyes. “Please don’t leave me.” When my voice shook a little, he pulled back slightly as if I’d slapped him.

I didn’t realize what I’d done until his face drained of color, and then I remembered.

Suddenly, we were both sucked back into that basement where I was begging him not to leave me alone, naked and handcuffed to a creepy, cold concrete floor.

“Oh God,” I said and set my hand on the side of Luke’s neck. “I’m sorry. I forgot. I didn’t—”

“No, it’s okay,” he assured, catching my fingers and drawing them from his neck to his mouth so he could kiss them. “It’s good that you forgot. That’s good.”

“I…I still didn’t mean to—”
