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“Hey, have a little faith,” JB spat back, even as he rubbed his nose against his daughter’s and grinned at her. “I’ll get a new one in here within the month.”

“Well, until then…” Teagan answered, setting her hand on Harper’s back. “I whipped up some sandwiches if you boys are hungry.”

“Oh thank God,” I said, starting forward. “I’m starving. And I’ve gotta get to work within the hour.”

“Why’re you going in so early?” JB asked as he started after me.

“I rearranged my schedule so I can be home by bedtime since Chloe hasn’t been able to get to sleep until I get there, and I don’t want to completely destroy her whole sleep pattern.”

My brother shot me a surprised glance. “Wait. You’re still going over there every night?”

“Yup,” I answered and grinned when my niece finally seemed to notice me. She pointed and started to blow raspberries. “Yes!” I cheered her on. “There’s my little stinker.”

As I plucked her from her father’s arms and vibrated my lips right back at her, JB sent me a dry glance.

“I seriously wish you hadn’t taught her that.”

“And that is seriously why I did,” I shot back as we entered the kitchen.

“Of course it is,” he answered dryly, only to notice how busy his wife was at the counter, pouring iced tea into some cups. “Let me help, babe,” he offered, completely forgetting me and going to Teagan.

In my arms, Harper smacked my cheeks happily.

“She can have some of those banana puffs in the can on the table there if you want to give her something to eat,” Teagan told me as she poured tea into a cup that JB had just filled with ice.

“Sure thing.” I carried the kid to the table, where I took a seat and plopped her diaper-padded bottom onto the surface. She immediately started to bounce and wave her arms in excitement when I reached for the can, letting me know she approved.

“Jesus, not so much,” JB warned as I dumped half of the can out around the kid’s legs, and Harper instantly dove forward, snatching up two handfuls.

I merely shrugged and picked up a pale Cheeto-looking thing for myself. “I’ll just help her eat them, then.”

When I popped one into my mouth, I shrugged and made a sound of favor before snatching up another.

“And don’t eat all her food,” Teagan said, slapping a plate in front of me full of a sandwich and chips. “Here. Try this instead.”

“Jeez. You two really are one mind in two bodies,” I grumbled. “Is every married couple like that?” I’d never paused to pay attention to married people dynamics before.

“Maybe,” JB said as he grinned at Teagan and smacked her on the ass as he set a cup next to my plate. “If they’re as lucky as us.”

Teagan hummed deep in her throat and turned into him, grabbing his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.

As the two sucked faces, Harper and I looked at each other. “That’s just gross,” I said.

She babbled out a sound and held up a puff for me to eat.

“My thoughts exactly,” I answered and swooped in, snagging it straight from her miniature fingers with my teeth.

She giggled.

“Why all the sudden questions about marriage, anyway?” JB asked, returning to the counter with Teagan to collect the rest of their meals. “You thinking about getting married or something?”

Since I knew he was completely joking, I went for shock value and said, “As a matter of fact, I am.”

Teagan laughed, however, not buying it as she sat at the table across from me. “Oh yeah?When?”

“Soon,” I countered. “Probably within the year, I’d imagine.”

Both my sister-in-law and brother blinked at each other before turning toward me in unison. “And do you have awifepicked out for this wedding you’re planning?” JB wondered.

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