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She didn’t have any bubble bath soap, though.

So while she ran out to the corner store, I found some candles in the top drawer of one of her kitchen cabinets. She also had half a bottle of wine sitting in her fridge. I grabbed that too, plus a pair of wineglasses, and headed to her master bath, where her deep, claw-footed tub sat, waiting.

I had all the candles set out, the wine poured, and some soft classic rock playing on my phone when she returned. I was just lighting the last candle when she appeared in the doorway.

Stopping short, she blinked at me and said, “I didn’t think you were going to doeverythingI mentioned.”

I shrugged. “Why not? All this was the dream, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, but—”

“Then get those bubbles over here, and let’s do this.”

I turned on the water and slotted the plug in the drain.

When she remained standing at the bathroom entrance, I motioned for the soap. “Which scent did you get us?”

Chloe tossed the bottle to me underhanded, and after catching it, I turned over the container until the label was facing up. “Lavender?” I glanced up to blink at her. “I’m going to smell like fucking lavender?”

She shrugged, and the hint of an evilly gleeful grin poked through her sober expression. “It was either that, bubble gum, strawberry, grape, or rose.”

I took a moment to imagine the horror of smelling like any of the other scents, and then I nodded. “Lavender it is.”

After uncapping the bottle, I ungracefully dumped half the bubble bath in with the running water that was starting to steam up and fog the entire bathroom.

“Go ahead and get into your bubble bathing clothes,” I told Chloe, not even glancing over. “We’re almost ready here.”

She hesitated a moment, then turned away to disappear from the room.

As soon as she was gone, I glanced toward the spot where she’d been standing, wondering how I was getting her to agree to all this. The angry girl from yesterday never would’ve gone for it. Neither would the snide woman from before her kidnapping. But apparently, there was a fine line in there that I could balance on and get along with her. I just had to remember not to be too nice or she’d revolt and get mad at me. And I couldn’t be too rude or inconsiderate or she’d get pissed and yell at me.

But I had this now. I’d hit her sweet spot, and I was going to make the best of it while I was there.

Pulling off my shirt, I tossed it to the side and unzipped my jeans.

Once I shed the pants, I kicked them over with the shirt and glanced down at the black boxer briefs I was left wearing. I wanted to strip those off too. Getting into a bath with any kind of clothes on just felt weird to me, but I didn’t want to freak Chloe out, so I stepped into the warm, bubbly water and hissed out a breath of pleasure as soothing liquid warmth immediately wrapped around my ankles and massaged my toes.

God, this was going to feel good, whether I was wearing underwear or not.

I sat and started groaning before my ass even settled in. “Oh, motherfucker,” I sighed. “Yes… Now that hits the spot.”

Resting my arms along the lip of the tub, I tilted my head back, closed my eyes, and released a long breath. Running water continued to pour out onto one of my shoulders and the rising level of bubbles bumped against my chest and brushed the bottom of my chin. I blew at it from the side of my mouth to keep it out of my face.

Yep, I could get used to this.

Sensing her watchful gaze on me, I opened my eyes to find her wearing what she usually wore to bed, shorty shorts and a tight tank top thing with spaghetti straps. The way she held her hands behind her back and timidly drew on the top of one foot with the big toe of the other made me send her a lazy smile. Only Chloe could make shy and adorable look sexy as hell.

“Yeah, this place was a good purchase,” I said. “For the tub alone.”

“You’re wearing underwear, right?” she finally said.

My grin turned wolfish. “Why don’t you come over here and find out?”

But Chloe only scowled. “Luke,” her voice warned.

I sighed. “Yes. I’m wearing underwear. Did you want this end, or are you okay with that one?”

“I want this one,” she said and finally came forward. “No faucet in my way down here.”
