Page 33 of The Lord of Light

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“I don’t recall ever receiving that offer,” I quipped. But my anger was cooling. I was beginning to understand the source of Cass’s displeasure. He would, of course, want me to continue in House Dumont’s service. But, at the same time, I knew he would not begrudge me accepting this kind of opportunity.

“Do you want the job or not?” the Prince asked, exasperated.

It seemed that being bossy and exasperated was the only way he knew how to act around me.

“Yes,” I replied truthfully.

“Then meet me outside of House Heroux at nine a.m. tomorrow morning,” he directed. “Commander,” he said, inclining his head to Cass slightly.

“My Prince,” Cass replied respectfully.

The Prince sharply turned on his heels and walked away from me.



It was entirely too early to be up and ready to leave the house, considering the party everyone had been at the night before and into the early morning. Well, everyone except the Prince. I didn’t see the Prince the rest of the night, after our pleasant little run-in.

Cass only agreed to leave me to go run the morning drills with his team at House Dumont after a very sleepy Rhett promised him that he’d personally walk me to my meeting this morning with the Prince. But Luke showed up only a few minutes after Cass left, already asking questions about what had occurred the night before.

“Tattletale,” I jeered at Rhett.

He shrugged unapologetically. But he looked tense and concerned, too. Luke wrapped me in a hug, squeezing me until I tapped on his shoulder.

“I’m fine, Luke. Let up,” I reassured him.

Rhett hovered to our side and ran a hand through his already disheveled golden head of hair.

Luke pulled me away from his body and stared into my face, firmly grasping me by the shoulders. “I’d heard about the intruder who was dealt with last night, but I had no idea you were involved. Whyin the helldidn’t you tell us what happened last night?” he demanded.

I looked at Rhett like Luke was overreacting, only to find Rhett looking back at me expectantly, waiting for a reply.

“Okay, okay.” I threw my hands up in surrender, breaking away from Luke’s grasp.

“You were…” I wanted to say,too busy. Luke hadn’t left Karina’s side the entire night. “Having too much fun,” I said instead.

“Anyway, Cass didn’t leave my side the entire night, and the Prince spoke with Cass and assured him that my safety was taken care of. I didn’t want to ruin the ‘biggest party in the decade’ for you,” I explained.

Rhett pressed his lips into a straight line but seemed willing to accept my answer. But Luke’s nostrils were still flared.

“Luke, can we talk about this later? Rhett has to walk me to my meeting with the Prince,” I said, trying not to sound irritated about the apparent necessity to hand me off from one man to another.

“I’ll take her,” Luke barked, the way he gently tucked my hand into the crevice of his arm not matching his tone.

Rhett willingly backed off.

“I’m going back to bed,” he said. “Night, Al baby,” he joked, half-heartedly.

“This isexactlywhat Rhett and I were worried about, Al,” Luke continued in a discreet whisper as we walked in the direction of House Heroux.

“Did you have that talk with Cass?” he asked, referring to the talk I’d promised to have with Cass about my nonexistent powers.

“I didn’t have time to, Luke. Look, that can’t be it. No one can know what you’re worried about. One, because it’s not a real thing. But two, because, well, how could they?” I protested.

“What did Cass tell Nik?” Luke asked.

I was intrigued by Luke calling the Prince by his first name, but I knew Luke wasn’t done with his questioning, and he wasn’t going to let me change the subject just yet. I breathed out a sigh.
