Page 18 of Not This Way

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He frowned deeply.

“What the hell?”

“Yes, sir,” she said quietly. “Now please, let us do our jobs.”

He sputtered a moment longer, then deflated with a scowl. “You have two days. After that, I’m bringing in my own security team to clear you out.” And as quickly as he’d come, he stomped off, leaving Rachel unruffled.

“Nicely handled,” Morgan said. A flicker of humor lit his eyes. “I see those stare-downs with charging grizzlies finally paid off.”

She glanced at him. “Someone told you about that?”

He smirked. “I wasn’t sure it was true until now.”

Rachel’s lip twitched. “He’s less frightening than a hungry bear.” Her hands tightened as she gazed at the bodies. “But our killer is another matter. Three victims so far.” She glanced at Avery. “Were they all killed at the same time?”

The coroner just shook her head. “Can’t give you a definite answer.”

“We can’t wait twenty-four hours on that,” Rachel said.

“I might be able to get someone out here faster,” Morgan cut in. “My uncle works for a local hospital.”

Rachel blinked. “That’s convenient.”

He shrugged. “Most of my family is local. Seven brothers. Three sisters.” He beamed and winked. “Homeschooled.”

She studied him to see if he was joking, but he was just beaming all the more.

She shrugged. “Well, if you can get us someone to take the bodies in, that’d be great. We need to know times of death. And compare them to the heiress.”

Morgan nodded, a grim smile touching his mouth. “Well… we can take ’em in, but not process them.”

Rachel hesitated, her frown deepening.


She glanced off across the desolate terrain. “I… might have an idea,” she murmured.


“A couple of old friends. Off the rez.”

“Don’t know that reservation coroners have jurisdiction here,” said Morgan hesitantly, keeping his voice low and glancing to the cop by the sawhorse.

“Yeah… yeah, we’d have to invite them in special. But they’re good. Really good.”

“I mean… if you think you can sneak them in here, I’m all for it.”

Rachel nodded, giving him a once-over.

“What?” he said.

“Nothing. Just… you’re not a wuss like my last partner.”

“Well… I’ll take that as a compliment. So… who are these coroner friends of yours?”

“Never said they’re coroners.”

“Oh. What are they?”
