Page 13 of Not This Time

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"N-no!" stuttered the man in a white lab coat and an ID tag pinned to his lapel. "E-e-enough! I've sat long enough. Now I'm going to see the body. Get out of my way!"

"I think I found the coroner," Ethan muttered under his breath.

It almost looked like the large, beer-bellied rancher was trying to corral a flighty lamb. The coroner in question had a nervous energy about him that matched his stutter. He had a round face with large cheeks, almost childish in appearance. But his hair was white and wispy, like a cloud.

"Hang on now!" said the larger rancher. "Stop! I said stop, damn it!"

The man in question continued to sidestep back along the edge of the horse fence, blocking the coroner from advancing any closer to the body. The coroner's eyes darted between the rancher and the lifeless form of Sarah, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Oi, Tom!" shouted Samuel.

The large rancher looked back and blinked in surprise as he spotted the two rangers standing by the body.

"We got company, pal." Samuel shrugged.

Tom and him exchanged some unspoken communication. But the big man's eyes narrowed and he scowled towards Samuel Clark.

"Let this city slicker poke and prod at Sarah? I don't think so!" Tom spat, his face contorted with anger. "Jack killed her, plain and simple. No need for all this fancy science mumbo jumbo."

"Jack?" Rachel said. "Who's Jack?"

Tom turned, glaring at her. "Her husband--that's who."

"The victim's husband?"

"That's right. And who are you?"

"Ranger Blackwood," she said. "This is Ranger Morgan."

Ethan gave a little nod of greeting, which was lost on Tom.

"Why do you think Jack killed her?" Rachel said, facing the angry rancher.

The coroner took this opportunity to smooth back a wisp of white hair and skirt past the large rancher, moving towards the body with hurried, scurrying steps.

Tom didn't notice. Instead, he turned to face Rachel. "Cuz."

"That's not a reason."

"Just cuz."

Rachel shook her head.

Tom sighed, crossing his large arms over his flabby belly, taking a small step forward which caused a pinecone to crunch underfoot. He said, "Jack was jealous. Figured Sarah was stepping out on him."

"Was she?"

Tom shrugged, frowning. "I mean... there was talk and like."

"You seem quite fond of Sarah," Rachel said quietly.

"Yeah? I knew her since grade school. She's good people. Our mommas sing hymns together. What you accusing me of, lady?"

"No accusation," Rachel said quickly. "Just trying to understand the situation."

"Well, understand this," Tom said, his voice low and menacing. "Jack's dangerous. He's got a temper. And he's quick on the draw."

Rachel and Ethan exchanged a glance.
