Page 117 of Cursed Waters

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A whimper slid up my throat as his fingers wound in my hair, easing my head back against the stone to give his mouth more room to graze. A cunning tongue traced over my earlobe, and when he spoke again, his voice had reduced to a strained growl in my ear. “Then when they told me you were dead… Even as a merfry, I knew that was it.”

His body pressed in, and there was no escaping the flood of heated kisses that fell against my neck. A deep hum rippled over my skin as the arm around my waist slid lower still until a broad palm was toying with the swell of my ass, the comforting pressure of his weight against me overpowering the tension of the threads holding me down. “I knew there would never be anyone else. That I’d never want anyone else. It was just you. Fuck, it hasalwaysbeen you, Claira.”

I didn’t know what to say. The way his words filled the holes in my heart was too much, too perfect. He’d said everything I’d ever wanted to hear, but those same words also burned like a hot poker to my insides, singeing me, destroying me.

Didn’t he understand? The cecaelia thought I’d slaughtered one of their brethren. They’d want justice. They wouldn’t let me leave here alive.

“Lee,” I choked out, my head rolling back on the stones in a fruitless attempt to escape the maddening thrum of salty breath against my neck. But his perfect lips dipped lower, tracing over my collarbone in a way that made my eyelids heavy and little feverish prickles shoot down my tail. I could barely form a coherent thought. “This… this is it for me. But you, you can still—”

“Close your eyes,” he ordered gruffly, and the hand in my hair left just long enough for him to drag his palm over the stony surface of the prison wall. Eyes closed, I could feel a tingle of magic wash over my face as he coaxed the barnacles behind me to light. “I’ll get you out of here, but first, I need to see you.”

My eyes opened again, and I winced as the magic drained from my sight. Leander had been beautiful even in monochrome, but in the soft glow of the barnacles, he was breathtaking. The light washing over him painted a picture of taut skin and rigid muscle, with every smooth plane and rough edge gilded in warm glints of gold. I wanted to dip into him, to have him cover every inch of me with his lustrous skin, his perfection, but bound as I was, all I could do was stare in awe.

But just as I was looking over him, he was taking me in, his eyes roaming over each arm held firmly above my head, each knot of seaweed digging into my flesh, down the line and curves of my bra, until a gaze soaked heavy with desire settled low on my belly. Fingertips bit into my waist as he rasped like a tortured man. “Fuck, Claira, you’re so swollen.”

Before I could process that thought, Leander shifted, and that hand that was always running through his hair was running a line over the slit of my tail.

No one had ever touched me there, and when he brushed over that delicate, unexplored part of me, it was like the ocean had whipped into a whirlpool. His fingers connected again, and I gasped out, watching him slowly, tenderly edge into the dip between my folds.

Poseidon’s balls, I was engorged. My scales had peaked and split, revealing the smooth skin of my tail’s center, and Leander seemed to know just where to stroke to make blood pool there all the more.

But how could I not be aroused? Having him on my neck was a dizzying type of torture I could see myself seeking more of. That is, if fate hadn’t doomed me to perish in an underwater prison.

He dipped deep into the crease again, and when a finger skimmed over that sensitive flesh, every part of me strained against my bindings.

“Can you feel that?” he growled at my ear like part of him was feeling pleasure from it, too. My cheeks heated past boiling as I gritted back a moan, and a cocky chuckle told me he had his answer.

“Just… just because I can’t move my—my…” The words broke off into another moan as the rough pad of his thumb slipped high, finding some delicate spot hidden in my slit that made the muscles in my tail twist, jerking against the seaweed.Holy—

If I hadn’t been held down, my tail might have actuallymoved.

Leander must have noticed as well, because his thumb stopped right on that pleasure point, his eyes trailing down to the edge of my tail.

“Lee, please,” I gasped, straining against the bindings to feel more of the wonderful rolling pressure his thumb had just offered. I needed more, I needed him to move it. I was goingcrazy, I—

“What have they tied you up in?” His free hand went to rip the seaweed away, but no matter how he yanked at it, the strands held strong. His muscles flexed as he strained, and I could see the sparks of anger lighting inside him. “Fuck. I thought it was just laminaria at first, but…”

A frown set over me as I jutted my hips, pathetically trying to get more of that wonderful new sensation, but his thumb edged away.No, no, no!Then it slipped free from my folds, his mind too distracted by my bindings to continue.

Maybe it was him, or the rush of adrenaline from being captured, or the vulnerability of being held against the prison wall, but desire had set my body alight, and I needed him to either stoke the fires or extinguish the flames. Anything to quell this burning ache. “They’re magic, Lee. Now,please.”

“Magic?” He inspected the knots, running a hand over every bend, testing its integrity, while my belly twisted into knots of its own. If I was going to die, I wanted more of this bliss first. More of him—everything he could give me—and I’d give him everything I could in return.

“Leander!” I cried out, nearly delirious, and his eyes flicked right to me in surprise.

“Fuck, Claira, I’m sorry.” The anger in his voice smoothed away as his palm cupped me, but the contact did little to soothe my ache, and I whimpered until a low growl answered my pleas.

“Mmh, Claira. Seeing you open up like this, so needy…”

Fingers dipped down suddenly, scissoring in me, coaxing me open, and I watched hunger darken his gaze as he inspected the pale flesh hidden inside. “Presenting yourself to me.Fuck.”

Presenting myself? Delightful tingles trickled through my tail at that thought, causing the swollen flesh there to throb. Yes, I felt so open, soneedy, as he’d said. There was an emptiness inside me, and my instincts were screaming at me, knowing he could fill it.

My lips parted to tell him just that, but before I could speak, a deep hum of appreciation rumbled against me, and he pressed in closer. “That’s it. Open wide for me.”

He spread me even further, and I felt my stomach twist as he gave a little growl that told me he was pleased with what he saw. Maddening pleasure shocked through me as he teased a few featherlight strokes over the sensitive flesh inside. “Good girl. You need me to take care of you, don’t you?”

I was breathless. All his charms, his teasing… It was like it had all been practice for this moment. So he could know just how to push me, which beautiful words to whisper in my ear to get the reaction he wanted.
