Page 50 of Dirty Dean

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I sway on my feet and grab onto the back of the chair I’m standing behind. “I trusted you.”

Chris starts laughing. “I’m aware. That’s the whole point. You had to trust me. To believe you were something important.”

“Something…” My words trail off, and I tremble. “You made me fall in love with you,” I whisper and he laughs even harder.

“Love?” He shakes his head. “You are a naive little girl who needed to be taught that you shouldn’t trust people. Taking you and molding you to be a submissive little whore was just for the fun of it. Hell, your pussy and ass are so good, I almost didn’t go through with my plan. But, in the end, my revenge and tearing your family apart won out.”

He shrugs like he didn’t just dismantle my whole world. Grabbing onto the back of the chair harder so I can stand upright, I count to ten, hoping I can calm down. “And your revenge meant I got no education, right?”

“Oh yes, I don’t want your filth in my school. You know where the door is, feel free to leave at any time.”

Looking at him, he’s staring at me with cold dead eyes and his hands behind his back. “Understood.” That’s all I can get out as I walk over to the table where my purse is. The schoolbooks and backpack with my school supplies are left as I turn around and place the keys on the table next to the door.

Not looking back at him, I close the door, walk down the four steps, and rummage through my purse for my keys to my car. Getting in the car, I hold it together until I drive off. Not that I was holding it all that well to begin with. As I roll to a stop at the first parking lot I come to, I lose my shit.

I have to open the door and throw up because my stomach is in a total knot. If I go home, David will blame me. I wouldn’t be able to tell him how sorry I am because before this moment, I wasn’t sorry. And going to Tia, how… How do I tell her I need to get away?

Me:Hey, I know you're busy with Laura, but I need you.

God, wasn’t Tia in this situation just a few weeks ago? I never saw this coming.

Tia:What’s wrong, Jazz?

Me:I don’t know how to explain it over text.

Her response is instant.

Tia:Come get me. I’ll tell Mommy that you need me.

Me:I’m sorry for being a bother.

Tia:Shut up and come get me.

Me: Give me a few minutes. Need to calm down before I try driving any farther.

My phone rings, and I give a teary smile as Tia’s name comes up. “Hey.”

“Don’t drive if you are that upset, alright? I know it hurts. Hell, you’ve been there for me when all this shit went down with me.”

“That’s what friends do, Tee Tee.” I hiccup, and she laughs.

“When you can, come get me. Or I can come to you.”

I contemplate for a moment and sniffle. “Yeah, come get me. I’m going to drive to the dorm. It’s three minutes from the gas station I’m at. Meet me there. It’s better to get rid of my car anyway. I’m pretty sure there’s a tracker on it.”

“I’ll be there, Jazz. Just drive really carefully alright?”

“You know I will.” We hang up, and I feel a little better, but I know I can’t stay at the dorm.

Driving slowly, I try not to think too much about anything. It’s all just way too much for me. I could be dramatic and say my life is ruined. Then again, this chapter in my life is over. Getting into another school without divulging too much as to what has happened here at Groveton will be hard. Thinking about having to leave here causes panic to run through me.

Thank God the parking lot is right in front of me because I’m not sure how much longer I could have driven. Getting out of the car, I gasp and close my eyes. My entire body is shaking, and I can’t think. Everything is on repeat to the point I want to shout out for it to stop, but I don’t. I lock my car door and look at the flier floating on the ground.

Reading it, it says there’s a mixer at Timberland Docks. I don’t know where Timberland is, but maybe Tia will.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Asthedoorshutsbehind her, I turn back to the fireplace and down the whiskey I had been holding. The words coming out of my mouth were absolute nonsense. My little girl loves me, and I called her filth. My vision swims with black floaters, and it’s unsurprising. I deserve the high blood pressure I have at the moment. Fuck, I deserve much worse than that.
