Page 53 of Shadow's Raven

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Casimir slowed the pace and the world around us gradually crept back. No one had ever affected me in such a way—and it was only a kiss. A crushingly carnal kiss, the likes of which I’d never experienced.

Large, warm palms cupped my head. Lips skimmed over mine, across my cheek, and lingered at my temple. Casimir inhaled with pleasure and I felt his muscles relax.

He pulled back, looking into my eyes with fierce determination. I swallowed.

“No more talk of denying our bond or of leaving. You just got here. In fact, each time you make such a threat, I’ll kiss you senseless, no matter where we are or what we’re doing.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me and you heard the truth of my words. I want a chance and you’re going to give us one. We won’t live our lives wondering what could have been.”

I was about to give him a snappy comeback when I saw a flicker of something in his expression, something that gave me pause. The alphaness I’d expected from the Shadow warrior. What I hadn’t expected was the brief visage of vulnerability. He must have taken my silence for compliance because he exhaled the breath he’d been holding.

“Now, I think we’ll clear up a couple of misunderstandings, as I do so hate them,” he declared, opening up the top left drawer and retrieving the thong I’d handled minutes earlier.

Holding them up, he said, “First, I would never keep a drawer full of former dalliances’ used panties and then hand them off to my mate to wear. Even the words sound wrong.Used pan-ties,” rolled off his tongue distastefully, emphasizing thet.

“Say it, Raven. You’ll feel how wrong it is and that no male worth anything would dare to do such a thing to his mate.”

I stared at him. Casimir arched his brow.

“You’re serious.”

“Used panties. Say it.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Debatable. The sooner you say it the sooner I’ll move on to another topic.”

“Fine. Used panties.”

I couldn’t prevent the small chuckle that escaped. It sounded completely ridiculous.

“See?” he chirped gaily. “Sounds wrong.”

“Yes, I think you’re right. But what about the rest of the clothes?”

“It’s not a collection from my past. We bring in quite a few things from Earth Realm through the crossing and store them here until merchants can retrieve them. Goods are taken and sold all over the Shadowlands and beyond, which is lucky for us because I actually found some things short enough for your legs—that wasn’t an insult,” he quickly added. “You’re probably a good two or three inches shorter than Lyric, so we went off of that.”

“I noticed there weren’t any fighting leathers.”

“Of course you did,” he smirked. “The ones I picked out for you are currently being hemmed. We can meet with the seamstress anytime you’d like if you don’t trust what I told her. If what’s here isn’t to your liking, I’ll take you shopping. Oh, and I procured shoes and boots in a variety of sizes. Whatever doesn’t fit we’ll give away.”

“This is a lot, Casimir, and I don’t need to go shopping.”

“It’s not that much. I didn’t know what you preferred so I got a little bit of everything.”

Itwasthat much. My wardrobe at home was a fraction of this and it wasn’t because we couldn’t afford anything more. He obviously was trying to please me so I decided I wouldn’t complain about the overindulgence. If I decided against this mating, I’d leave it all behind anyway.

I ignored my soul’s peeved rattle at the thought of walking away. “You didn’t have to.”

“Yes, I did.”

“No, you didn’t, but thank you anyway.”

“You’re welcome.” He dipped his head and brushed his lips against mine, skimming to my ear to whisper, “Did I clarify enough for you?”

“Mmm,” I hummed, enjoying the affectionate way he nuzzled my neck. “Wait, no.” I gently pushed at his chest.
