Page 64 of Shadow's Raven

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Casimir closed the book and set it behind him. “Why don’t you freshen up and eat while I go and check to see if Hugo is still downstairs? I assume he’ll tend to you inside Embour instead of at the army’s infirmary.”

“I missed our appointment?”

“There wasn’t a set time, so there’s no rush.”

He stood and approached the bed. Once close enough, he bent forward, slow enough for me to know his intent. His kiss was soft and slow and sweet—and over far too fast.

When my eyes opened, he was already back at the chair to retrieve his book. Dazedly, I watched him drop it on his desk and head to the door. “I’ll be back soon. Feel free to remain naked in the shower for as long as it takes me to return.”

I forced a smile, feeling ill at the thought of him walking in and seeing the skin hidden under my clothing.

Casimir frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Not in the mood for the punishment that followed my lies, I shook my head. “Nothing that I want to discuss quite yet.”

His head canted, studying me. He didn’t like my answer, yet he didn’t press.

“It has to do with my scars,” I supplied truthfully.

“I see.” His hand dropped from the door knob. “Tell me you know that no part of you could ever repulse me.”

Sometimes being able to hear the difference between the truth and a lie was a handy tool. Sometimes it was everything.

“I know.”

“Would you prefer I stay? All joking aside, I can sit in here while you get ready. I promise not to enter the bathroom.”

“No. Thank you, but no. I’ll be fine. I’ll freshen up and eat while you run downstairs.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

“Very well. There are already some toiletries in the shower, but Kree was able to find various herbs and oils that we’d heard witches prefer. She said they had healing properties. They’re in the canvas bag in the closet.”

I didn’t speak, but I nodded so he knew I’d heard him.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Casimir left and I hurried off into the bathroom, going nowhere near the bag. It was a hangup I’d need to get over, but I’d worry about that another day. When I emerged, the room was empty, so I sat and ate the food he'd brought in.

By the time I was finished, he was back and we were headed downstairs to the in-house infirmary. En route, he explained that it was set up similar to the army’s facility, but smaller. Only those who lived inside the fortress’s walls were treated here.

“Who lives inside the main building, aside from you and Draven and Lyric?” I asked as we neared a door marked Medical in bright red letters.

“Most of the Council. Emile has recently built a cottage near the river and prefers to stay there. Hugo has rooms here but often stays in the army’s med center, especially if someone under his care is bad enough for an overnight stay. Though, Draven has suggested Hugo remain near Lyric just in case.”

The door opened and Lyric stomped out, looking annoyed. A scowling Draven exited, as well, followed by Hugo.

Her face altered when she saw us. “Hey, you two!”

“Problems?” Casimir asked.

“No,” she replied at the same time Draven said, “Yes.”

She rounded on her mate. “This is not a big deal. This happens sometimes in pregnancy. Hugo said so.”

“What is it?” Casimir prodded with concern.

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