Page 66 of Shadow's Raven

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“Well, both Kree and I can heal. The scars are healed tissue, as crude as they are, so I’m going to have to do some damage to them first, then Kree and I can mend the flesh.”

“How will you damage them?”

“I can either burn them or slice them off.”

“Which will hurt the least?”

“A sharp blade hurts less than a deep burn. But I can give you something for the pain.”

“Drugs don’t work very well on Others.”

Hugo grinned. “No, they don’t. But I’ve figured out how to extract some of my magics and infuse them with the IV sedation drip. You won’t feel anything if I give you a strong enough dose.”

The thought of being put under wasn’t appealing in the least. I’d be vulnerable. While I logically knew I would be safe here, some part of my makeup refused to let me put myself in that position.

“How long will I be out?”

“However long it takes. I’ll get them cleared up in one session, if you’d like. And I’ll have Kree do what she did before. Your lifeforce isn’t completely back and she can help with that.”

“Can that be fixed in a single session, too?” I asked hopefully. Lifeforce, the very heart of an Other’s existence, was notoriously difficult to replenish quickly without help.

“That, I don’t know. I assume not, since she did it once already and you’re not 100%.”

As a healer, he’d be able to sense my lifeforce much more strongly than anyone else aside from a bonded mate.

“How have you felt today and yesterday?” he asked.

“Fine. I mean, I’m not sleepy or anything.”

“Could you manage your most complicated spell?”

I had to think about that. The more complicated the magic, the more it took from you. Just like running a race, the further the distance the more in shape you needed to be. Could I go out and run a marathon right now? The answer was a resounding no. I probably needed two or three jolts from Kree.

“No, I don’t think I could.”

“Okay. So let’s deal with the scars, have Kree juice you up, and see where we are. Sound good?”

“Sounds good.”

‡ ‡ ‡

By the time Cas returned with Kree, I was in a small OR with an IV drip going. We didn’t bother with a hospital gown since Hugo would need access to my entire body. But he did have me under a sheet with a warm blanket on top.

Kree smiled warmly, coming to the left side of the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m good.”

“I’m glad.” Her warm hand covered mine and patted a couple of times. “Now, where would you like me, Hugo? At the top of the bed again?”

“That works.”

Casimir took the spot Kree vacated as she moved into position. His large hand took mine.

“Should I hold her down from here?” he asked Hugo.

“Hold me down?” I interjected.

“That’s what I did before. You were flailing and we needed you to be still.”

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