Page 25 of The Pursuit

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Wincing, Noah replied, “Okay, fine. He might’ve said something to me.”

“Like what?”

“That you have uncles in Jersey who would be happy to make sure my dick sleeps with the fishes if he ever catches me disrespecting you like that in public.”

My eyes bulged in horror. “Oh no, he didn’t!”

“Yeah, he did.”

“I’m going to kill him,” I bit out through gritted teeth.

Noah laughed. “It’s okay.”

“It most certainly isnotokay.”

“It was just an idle threat.” His amusement faded slightly. “Wait, you don’t really have uncles who would cut my dick off, do you?”

“No, I don’t have uncles.” At Noah’s relieved expression, I added, “I do have cousins in the mob though.”

“Fucking hell.”

I snorted. “My mom’s dad is Sicilian, remember?”

“But I was kinda hoping your family went against the stereotype of all Sicilians being mobsters.”

“Papa Duke isn’t, but I can’t say the same for some of his family.”

“Jesus,” he muttered.

“Don’t worry. You and your dick are perfectly safe.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Absolutely. Dad knows if he asks a favor of the mob, it means he’ll be indebted to them. He doesn’t ever want that.”

Noah wheezed out a breath. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Come on. Let’s get our mind off it and dance.” At his hesitation, I cocked my brows at him. “Don’t you want to dance with me?”

“No, I want to. It’s just I’m not that great a dancer. I mean, I can do the sway thing to slow music, but I have no idea how to waltz.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“How come?”

“You had great rhythm last night in the elevator.”

He threw his head back with a laugh. “While that might’ve been true, I don’t think that translates to dancing.”

“Actually, it does. You just have to follow the rhythm in the music.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You were born into a musical family.”

“I still had to learn.”

“Let me guess. You want to teach me.”

“If you’ll let me.”
