Page 46 of The Pursuit

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While Caroline’s mouth gaped open, Liam momentarily choked on his French toast. “You want more with Gaby?”

“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but in the past, it’s always been the girl wanting more with you and not the other way around,” he answered.

With a shrug, I replied, “Things change.”

“I guess,” he replied before slurping a large gulp of orange juice.

When I glanced back at Caroline, she had recovered from her initial shock and was smiling at me. “I’m really impressed, Noah.”

“Thanks. But don’t give me too much credit yet. This is still a learning experience, and I’m totally clueless. I need to do something epic to get her to see I’m really serious about her.”

“Okay. Let me think.” As she twirled her fork on her plate, Caroline asked, “What’s something important to Gaby?”

“Her family.”

Caroline wrinkled her nose. “Hmm, that kinda gets into stalker territory. What else?”

“She’s opening a music school for kids with learning disabilities.”

“Wow, bro, you really got it bad,” Liam mused.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because you actually listened to her when she talked. Half the time I’m zoning them out while thinking about all the positions I want to get them in.”

Jabbing her fork at Liam, Caroline said, “You’re a disgusting pig.” After shooting me an equallydisgusted look, she said, “Jesus, how is it possible both my brothers are manwhores?”

“We’re cursed by our father’s DNA,” I replied with a grin.

With a groan, Caroline replied, “Don’t bring him into this.”

“Aw, is it hard for Daddy’s Girl to hear the sins of her father?” I teased.

“Daddy is areformedmanwhore. Just like him, it’s time you broke the cycle.”

“Then help me with Gaby.”

“Are you serious about her, Noah? Gaby is a really awesome girl, and I would hate to see her get hurt. She deserves—”

“She deserves someone to put the effort in, to show her that she is just as incredible as you say she is. And … I want to be that man.” She studied me, which brought about a hell of a lot of self-doubt.Fuck me. Did my own sister not think I was good enough for Gaby?

After what felt like an eternity, she sat back in her seat. “Fine. Tell me more about the music school.”

“Well, it isn’t open yet. She’s been really stressed trying to get it set up to meet the opening day deadline.”

Tilting her head thoughtfully, Caroline said, “That could work.”

“How?” Liam asked.

With a roll of her eyes, Caroline replied, “Do you two ever think hard with the heads above your waists?”

When Liam opened his mouth to respond with something I could only imagine was X-rated, I shook my head. “You’re thinking I should offer to help work at the school.”

“Bingo,” Caroline replied.

Nodding, I replied, “I could totally do that.”
