Page 7 of The Pursuit

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Bella squeezed my hands in hers. “All joking aside, Gabs, you were doing an amazing job until that little mishap.”

“I suppose so. Of course, I could’ve done without the snickering.” With narrowed eyes, I added, “You’re trying hard not to laugh now.”

Sweeping the hand with the offending needle over her chest, Bella replied, “I would never.”

“You’re lying.”

“Okay, you got me. It’s not like it was the highlight of my quince,” she teasingly replied.

“No, I would think dancing with Jude was the best part,” I shot back before I thought better.

A wistful, yet sad look came over Bella’s face at the mention of Jude. Like Mason, we’d grown up with him since his father and our father were part of the same band. The older they’d gotten, the more that friendship had grown into something deeper. Because of the tight relationship between our families, Bella and Jude were at an impossible impasse, not to mention each of them was too stubborn to try to stick their necks out to take a risk.

Shaking her head, she replied, “We’re not talking about him, remember?”

I held up my hands. “Fine, fine. As long as we’re not also not talking about Ashton.”

Bella wrinkled her nose at the mention of my ex-boyfriend. “I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to talk about him.Ever.”

“That makes two of us.”Liar. While I might not be talking about him, I would unfortunately be thinking of him. It had only been a month since we broke up—since he decided he didn’t love me anymore—but the pain and hurt were still too fresh.

Ugh. If I let myself really go, I’d be tempted to requestLove Stinksfrom the DJ and then proceed in bringing everyone down to my current level of suffering.

“Dammit, Gabs, you’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” Bella demanded, a disgusted look etched on her face.

“I was not.”

“Yeah, you were.”

“Fine. If you must know, I was more lamenting the fact I was doing the wedding solo than thinking about him.”

Bella’s expression turned sympathetic. “Oh Gabs, I hate it when you’re in pain. I will never understand why you haven’t found a man who appreciates the utterly fanfuckintastic girl that you are.”

I smiled at her. “Thank you. That means a lot.”

“And when it comes down to it, I know how hard it is going solo. I mean, I’m going solo myself.” I opened my mouth to protest that she could be going with Jude if she would just get over her stubbornness, but she cut me off. “Don’t even go there.”

“It’s not too late. There’s still time to invite him to the wedding. I’m sure he probably remembers Mason from our quinces.”

Unable to form words, Bella just gave an emphatic shake of her head. “Fine. Just continue being an idiota terca,” I added.

She narrowed her dark eyes at me. “La perra.”

“I’m not a bitch; I’m just stating facts.”

Bella chose to ignore me. Instead, she refocused sewing the jewels. After a few moments of only the sound of ruffled fabric, I huffed out a breath. “Fine. You don’t have to talk to me, but you can’t keep ignoring your feelings for Jude.”

“We’re done,” Bella pronounced. Her expression told me she didn’t just mean she was finished with sewing—she was totally done addressing anything Jude related.

As I gazed upon the finished product of Bella’s labor, a sigh of appreciation escaped my lips. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so beautiful. “Holy shit, Bells. You really outdid yourself.”

With a beaming smile, she replied, “You’re welcome.”

Our moment was interrupted by the buzzing of my phone on the nearby table. “That’s probably the car,” Bella remarked as she put away the remaining supplies.

“Guess it’s officially time to get this show on the road,” I grumbled before grabbing my phone and purse.

After exiting Bella’s suite, I made my way down the marble-floored hallway. Treading carefully down the two flights of stairs in my heels, I then hustled across the foyer to open the front door. A groan escaped me at the sight before me.
