Page 75 of The Pursuit

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My attention was drawn to a commotion on the second-floor landing. “I’m here! Sorry!” Gaby called as she skidded to a stop at the top of the stairs. My gaze followed her she started down the marble staircase. The instant my eyes drank in her appearance I felt a kick in the pants. She had a short-as-hell dress on with spaghetti straps and jacked-up cleavage. The red color went well with her dark hair and eyes.

Fuck me, she was stunning. Beautiful both inside and out.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, I sucked in a ragged breath. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” I muttered, which caused Gaby to laugh.

“Have I rattled the good Catholic boy?”

“Oh, I’m way past rattled. I’d say you in that dress is trying to send me to the ER for Uncle Pesh to have to resuscitate me.”

Gaby’s frowned as she glanced down at her dress. “I could change.”

I shook my head wildly back and forth. “No, no. It’s fine.”

With a smirk, Gaby replied, “I’m glad to see you passed that test.”

“And just what test was that?”

“I like to think of it as the ‘controlling douchebag who tells his girl what to wear’ test.”

Sweeping my hands to my hips, I countered, “Surely you know by now that’s not me.”

“I did. I just wanted to make sure.”

Leaning down, I whispered into her ear, “You in that dress is pure foreplay. I’m practically hard just looking at you in it.”

She eased away from me. “Wait a minute. I don’t want you getting any ideas that just because I’m wearing this dress, you’re guaranteed ass. Tonight is all about Alex and The Second Sons. I’m being nice by including you.”

“When did I say I was planning to leverage you wearing that dress to get you horizontal tonight?”

Gaby laughed. “You didn’t, but—”

“Fantasizing is what I meant.”

“If you’re satisfied that’s all you’re going to get, then it’s fine.”

“I understand the parameters of tonight and what it means to you and your family.” While that was the truth, it also fell in the realm of a lie. I appreciated Gaby inviting me to share in her brother’s night, but I also wasn’t planning on ending it not buried inside her.

I had a ton of ideas of ways to get up under that skirt, but I kept that to myself. The dirty bastard in me figured the sexier Gaby felt about herself the likelier I was to peel her out of that dress at the end of the night. “As long as you’re wearing this dress for me and only me.”

“First of all, I’m wearing this dress for me,” she challenged.

“Good for you.”

“Who else would I be wearing it for?”

“Duh, the guys in the band.”

Gaby wrinkled her nose. “Mybrotheris in that band.”

“Yeah, but the other dudes are young rockstars, and chicks cream their panties for hot rockers.”

“First of all, ew at the mention of creaming.” When I started to protest that I knew for a fact about her creaming, she placed her hand over my mouth. “Don’t even go there.”

“Whatever,” I muttered behind her fingers.

“Second, while the rest of those guys might not be my blood relations, trust me when I say they are my brothers, and I have never, ever thought of them that way.”

“Good to know,” I replied.
