Page 2 of One True Love

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Sure, the smoking wasn’t much of a turn-on and his reputation preceded him, but when he broke eye contact with her to look at me and gave a lopsided smile, his jaw moving side to side with a wicked look in his eye…

Yeah, something low in my belly did a dance.

“I give her a month,” he coughed, before turning his eyes back on her.

“Excuse me, but I haven’t said—”

“She’ll probably last a week with your cuntishness to contend with.”

By that point, I was sorely tempted to yell at her to stop saying cunt. I foresaw in my mind’s eye how it would go and I didn’t like it: how I’d probably end up just like them if I spent too much time surrounded by their like.

I stood from my chair, tucked it in under the desk and planned to quietly back out and then run a mile while they continued to face off.

That was when he moved fast and barred the door before I could make my escape.

I turned just as he was putting out his cigarette on the doorframe to his side.

She tutted behind me and the squeak of her desk chair announced she’d given up and seated herself once more. He lobbed his cigarette butt at a waste paper basket already teeming with crap.

“Shazza don’t know what she’s talking about,” he said, breathing cigarette fumes all over my face.

I was between nausea and vomiting, when he narrowed his eyes and cocked his head.

“Have we met before, honey?” he asked.

He was about to reach out for my cheek, when I grabbed his hand and snapped his middle finger back.

“Only if you used to frequent Raffles, pal. I used to be a bouncer there.”

“Jesus,” he said, shaking his hand once I’d released it.

Sharon chuckled hard behind us. “She might be the perfect person to sort out your sorry arse, mate.” The sound of her lighter being clicked on again made me more than agitated. I wanted out—that second.

Albie folded his arms and stood at his full height—quite a few inches taller than me, if I had to guess, at probably six-three—and gave a smirk, then winked.

Those brown eyes did something to me in that moment. Something bad.

“When can ya start?” he asked.

I was about to say no when I saw the enormous erection inside his jeans.

“Monday?” I spluttered.

“I dunno who I feel sorrier for,” Sharon groaned behind me.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be his worst nightmare,” I said, glaring at him.

“Can’t wait,” he said, and as quick as he’d entered, he left.

I was still catching my breath when she got a text on her phone and muttered, “Fucking cunt.”

Looking over my shoulder, I saw her face change to thunderous. “He wants a thing in your contract. If you work for us, you and he are not allowed to fuck.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Fine.”

“Really?” she asked, “cos I know… there’s really only one attraction with an arsehole like that. Not that I’d know… I bat for the other side, thankfully. The gods saw to give me sense, the likes of which you straight girls will never have, not surrounded by fucking cuntheads like him.”

I inhaled shakily. “I’d like to add in another proviso. If you could say cunt a little less, please.”
