Page 99 of One True Love

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As Aidan/Adrian is led away in handcuffs, he searches up and down the street. His eyes are darting madly, then suddenly, he spots me lurking in the shadows.

Time seems to stop as he stares right at me; then he heaves a sigh of relief.

He knows I’ll get word to his mother; he knows his kids will be safe without any of it reaching the papers.

When he was young, he obviously made a gamble, thinking he could improve his life without ever having to really work for it. But you make a deal with the Devil and that’s that. You don’t get free. You’re in it for life, with no way out. Not for himself, anyway. His wife and kids, though? Yes. They can go on.

A young man who never had a father figure… it explains a lot, right?

Ah, I simply don’t know.

For I never had a mother figure, nor a father, and I still know right from wrong.

Deep down, everyone knows.

It’s whether you choose to ignore that impulse or embrace it.

People fake their deaths all the time, run away, start something else… chase new beginnings. I’m sure he could’ve done that again, but he would’ve had to do it knowing it’d break his wife’s heart. This way she’ll know where he is, even if it is in a jail cell.

I climb on my bike and follow the cop car for a while. He’s in the back, cuffed and doesn’t see me at first, but then he does.

He sees me keeping up, riding beside the police car he’s been carted away by, knowing that I did this. Yet he does nothing.

The police driving the car don’t know they’ve got an escort who arranged the whole thing. Nor will they ever know.

Eventually I break off and head my own way to Clerkenwell, but before I do, I see him mouth through the window, “Wow.”

I think it’s because he knows I’m one of the few people alive strong enough to stand up and boldly say, “No. I won’t stand for this.”

As I speed my way back to Clerkenwell, Bobby calls and I answer via Bluetooth.

“Bobby, has he bin picked up?” He doesn’t know I went and witnessed it all.

“Yeah, I hear it’s done. Just one fing I didn’t tell ya, hun.”

“Oh, wozzat, darlin’?” I weave in and out of traffic, sometimes showing off with no hands on the bars.

“I emptied that couple’s bitcoin account. Seeing as though they’re gonna be in prison and all, they won’t need it. So seems I’ll be going to Marbella for a bit, lav.”

“Well, that sounds like a good idea to me. See ya when I see ya.”

“Won’t forget ya, angel.”

“Nor me you, cocker. See ya later, gater.”

“Not ’fore I see ya first.”

I laugh all the way home.
