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I don’t want to worry him.

So I just pin on a smile and shake my head, letting that sobering thought drag me back to reality so I can stop drooling like I’m just discovering hot men for the first time.

“I just have a lot on my mind,” I say. “Worrying about Mom and Ros, you know. But I’ll get Nell next time for sure. Have to earn my keep around here somehow.”

“Like hell,” he growls sincerely. “I’m glad you’re around.”


From the way my heart’s thumping like it’s about to split at its seams?

This new, honest, uncensored Grant might kill me.

Especially with that slow smile, almost like heknows.

“What about you?” I ask.

Somehow, there’s this extra weight in his eyes that wasn’t there earlier when I saw him at the station.

“Can’t complain. Survived another bout of code pink and got into the shower before the smell set in.”

“Lucky man,” I say, snickering. “Are you sure you’re still up for a movie tonight after all that?”

“Gotta take the edge off wrangling pigs some way, don’t I?” He smiles. “Yeah, Butterfly. Wouldn’t miss it for the whole damn world.”

And off he goes.

Before he disappears into his room, a shaft of evening light spills into the hall, kissing every line of his body with lickable gold before it’s gone as the door shuts.

Leaving me marooned, dizzy, and nearly panting and hot around the collar, plus a few other rebellious places.


I’ve never had a conversation that felt like foreplay before.

“Gonna faint?” chirps behind me.

I yelp, whirling with my heart skipping a beat.

Nell grins up at me, her eyes far too knowing for such a little girl.

“You look kinda winded, Miss Philia. You got asthma? My friend Sadie does. She’s got a nee-hale-er.”

“Inhaler,” I correct absently, then shake my head. “And no, I don’t. Grant just startled me, that’s all. I’m fine. You didn’t finish your homework, did you?”

She bats her eyelashes. “I’ll finish it after the movie. It’s history tonight, easy as pie. I wanna pick something fun to wear.”

“Uh-huh.” I eye her skeptically, holding out my pinky. “No trying to stay up late to watch cartoons. Homework, then bed. Promise me?”

Nell hooks her pinky in mine.

“Pinky promise one hundred percent.”

Laughing, I tug my hand free and tickle her lightly. “Go on and get dressed.”

She runs off with a messy giggle and disappears into her room. I look after her, feeling a smile spread across my lips.

I don’t know how I fell into this situation.
