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“And you,” Grant says, slipping his fingers under my chin and tilting my head up, “are too damn proud for pity, Miss Sanderson.”

I giggle.

“I thought you’d say too bratty.” I smile up at him. “I’d ask for a kiss, but...” I tilt my head at the gravestone and nod.

“Woman, if I could kiss you in front of your brother, you’d have known how I felt a lot sooner,” Grant growls, glancing at the headstone thoughtfully. “Feels damn weird saying that when we both know he’s not really in there.”

“But it feels like he’s here anyway, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Grant answers after a pause. “It does.”

We stand there for a few minutes, hand in hand, his warmth and his big jacket and his bigger presencewrapped around me like a blanket.

For the first time in ages, I don’t feel so alone.

It really is like Ethan’s right here, right now, standing with us.

Hopefully, giving us his blessing.

I feel like that blessing stays with us as we slip away, still hand in hand.

It’s a serene walk back to the truck with Grant’s fingers in mine, chasing away the October chill.

In the car, I’m happy to bundle myself up in his jacket like a blanket and snuggle against his side, drowsing while he drives.

Nothing breaks the quiet growl of the engine and the soothing whir of tires on the road until we’re almost home.

Then Grant’s voice rises up like low thunder between us.

“Sorry it wasn’t anything spectacular tonight,” he says. “First date in a cemetery—if you want to call it that.”

“It was exactly what I needed. No fooling. Plus, we had dinner and a movie. Extra points for that.”

He snorts with amusement.

I rub my cheek against his shoulder before I make myself pull away as he turns into the driveway and parks. We slip out together, and as we walk to the door, I steal his hand, tangling our fingers together.

The possessive squeeze he gives me sends a fresh wave of butterflies spinning through me.

“I needed to feel like I was part of something,” I say softly. “To feel like I was home. Everything’s been so off-kilter for so long, Grant.” We climb the porch together and stop, locking eyes in the shadows and the pale-gold glow of the porch light. “I’ve never felt like I fit in anywhere. Now, I wonder if it’s because I was so busy running away from the only place I ever did.”

He gives me one of those long, stern Grant looks I used to find so unreadable.

Only, now I realize he’s just taking me in.

Staring because he wants to.

Because he wants toseeme.

Because he wants to warm me to my core with nothing more than a glance that says,woman, you are beautiful.

Mission accomplished.

I’m burning just as much from his gaze as the heat of his palm settled against my cheek.

“And where do you fit here?” he whispers.

“...not sure yet.” I sway toward him, smiling like I’m about to come apart. “But I’d like to find out.”
