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A body that presses down slowly as he lowers over me.

And God, I almost forget the feeling of his lips against mine when I discover how delicious it feels to be under a man this huge.

There may have been a couple men in my life while I was away from Redhaven, sure—but no one had Grant’s sheer size or overwhelming presence.

No one else could ever take his place.

Not in my mind.

Not in my heart.

Definitely not in the desperate craving of my flesh.

I crush myself against him, arching my back, leaning up into the heat of his wild, surging kiss.

His mouth nearly bruises mine, all harsh beard and seething lips.

His teeth torment in taunting nips that make me clench in places I’m pretty sure no man has ever touched—and I desperately want him to.

Moaning, I run my fingers feverishly through his beard, letting my mouth go slack in total surrender, giving myself over to his tongue, every lick and tease that lays claim in the most obscene ways.

But not nearly as obscene as his hands skimming over my body, dragging at my clothes, gripping my flesh like he’s trying toshape mein the image of his darkest desires.

Everywhere, his touch leaves a burning handprint.

It’s like I’m already naked.

And when he angles his hips, when his broad body shoves my legs apart so I have to strain to fit him and I’m spread so open that I feel it as his hips ram mine and that hard straining spear of his cock presses against me...

I nearly fall apart forever.

“Grant,” I pant, rolling my hips, shuddering and almostflinchingwhen my panties press into delicate flesh as he rubs against me.

Until now, I never knew the phrase ‘dripping wet’ could be a real thing.


An agonized groan spills out of him as he tears his mouth from mine and drops his brow to my shoulder.

I twine my arms around his neck.

That’s when I realize it’s not just me.

He’s shaking, too.

His entire body feels so tense he’s nearly trembling, his hands gripping me so hard.

“You’re about to fuckin’ break me, Ophelia. You know that?” he rasps against my shoulder, his voice thick and feral and electrifying.

“Grant,” I whisper again, running my legs along his.

His eyes pinch shut and he exhales a breath like pure dragon smoke.

“Don’t say my name like that again. You’ll murder me.”

Somehow, that delights me.

I’ve always had a bratty streak with this man.
