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I’ve been all over North America and seen it all, yet every last one of those wonders pales compared to the sight of Ophelia Sanderson in my bed, bathed in morning light.

She’s too fucking sweet to be real.

Everything that makes a woman eye candy.

The curve of her neck, where she curls on her side with her body tucked against mine and her head on my shoulder, her hand still splayed on my chest.

The dip of her waist that lets the golden sunlight pour over her like raw honey before it flows up over the rounded swell of her hip.

I also love how she’s not stick thin.

Nothing wrong with that, but this boy needs meat.

Thank God my girl has a real-ass belly. Living proof she’s content to enjoy life, and all the more to shake when I pull her on top of me and split her open.

Then there’s the way the morning catches her hair, turning it into a spun gold halo. Every individual strand looks lit, even in the messy tangle left from sleep.

It gives her the wild-tossed look of a woman who’s just been claimed, ridden hard, and left deliciously ruined again and again till she’s nothing but a sleepy knot of sated flesh.

You’d better believe there’s a possessive pride in me for that, knowing I’m the big asshole who left her that way.

She was so tired by the end of the night that she could only look at me with sweet exhaustion hazing her green eyes. A soft, almost wondering smile lingered on her lips as she kissed me before tucking herself against me with total trust.

She looked at me like she couldn’t believe I was real.

Hell, I know the feeling.

Because I still can’t believe I had Ophelia Sanderson.

Still can’t believe that after all these years, she’s home where she belongs, snug in my arms, her body warming my flesh while her scent leaves me drugged and hungry to be inside her again.

“Do you ever stop staring?” she mumbles drowsily without opening her eyes.

I bite back a smile.

“Nah. Didn’t realize you were awake.” I tighten my arm around her. “Good morning, sunshine.”

“Mmmm... have been for a while. But I like mornings where I don't move. Especially when I’m this comfortable. You don’t know what a luxury it is for a nurse to sleep in.” Her eyes blink open, glimmering like still pools.

I dip my nose to the nape of her neck and inhale her, savoring the way the slightest movement makes her silky skin slide against mine.

“You never liked waking up early long before you had the RN. Remember Ethan tossing you over his shoulder and damn near dragging you to the school bus in your pj’s?”

She laughs. “Um, I rememberyoudid that once. I wouldn’t speak to you for over a week.” She pokes my ribs. “I wasn’t wearing anypantsunder my t-shirt, you idiot.”

“The bunnies on your panties were cute,” I say solemnly.

Now, she’s definitely awake, letting out a squealing laugh as she swats at my chest.

“Maybe, but the entire neighborhood didn’t need to see them!”

“Relax, woman. Wouldn’t dream of doing that shit now,” I growl, running my hand down to her ass. “My eyes only. Anybody else who gets a look will spend the next month finding some overpaid fuck to put his nose back on his face.”

“You wouldn’t!” She gasps.


I beam back a vicious glare.
