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HasChief Bowden been complicit in covering up the Arrendells’ and Jacobins’ crimes? Or is he just plain lazy?

Does he pretend not to notice so he can claim not to know?

That fall chill in the air suddenly feels ten times colder.

Pressing my trembling fingers against my mug isn’t enough to warm my cold skin.

“It’s not your fault,” I hiss faintly, struggling for words. “I’m so sorry, Janelle. I had no idea things were so rough between you two.”

“Don’t we just look like the perfect couple? If people only knew...” she answers bitterly, then glances back at me with a hard, almost angry smile. “Well. Not that anyone sees us together much anymore. I barely know where he even goes these days. But I’m sorry. I just erupted all over you, didn’t I?”

“It’s fine,” I reassure her. “Way better out than holding it in. I know sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone who hasn’t been wrapped up in every day of your life for the last ten years.”

“Yes, well, the walls do have ears in this town, don’t they? I’m grateful you won’t be sniggering about me behind my back and gossiping over the neighbor’s fence.” She frowns. “Though lately it seems your sister’s more the talk of the town.”

“Ros?” I groan. “It’s Aleksander, isn’t it?”

She cocks her head.

“I’m afraid so, dear. Everyone’s acting like it’s our own hometown Cinderella story. I suppose they need to, seeing how we’re all still reeling over the Celeste Graves business. People want some happy news, something to redeem our local royalty.” But her voice falls flat when she says it, and she takes a slow sip of her coffee. “I wish I could say Aleksander Arrendell was our prince.”

“He’s acreep,” I snap without thinking. “Sorry. But I don’t get what Ros sees in him. He’s just weird, and she acts so different when she’s around him. I barely recognize my sister...”

“Young girls do get starstruck sometimes,” Janelle whispers. “But I hope you won’t think I’m too forward in saying I don’t like it, either. The whirlwind of it bothers me, yes. It’s not hard to see poor Ros is running away from one bad thing into another. There are far healthier ways to manage your emotions.”

“I tried talking to her.” I sigh. “We just wound up yelling at each other in Mom’s shop before Aleksander barged in. He was all over her, right in front of me.”

Janelle wrinkles her nose.

“That boy never did have manners. I think he’s the worst one of the bunch, frankly, always too focused on preening over himself.” Her upper lip curls. “I hope she doesn’t go through with it. There are things she doesn’t know.”

I frown. “Things like...?”

“Well, nothing certain. You can take this with a grain of salt and it’s just an old woman’s speculation, but this old woman has seen a lot.” Janelle watches me knowingly over the rim of her mug. “Forgive me, but I remember a time when your mother was just as bewitched by the Arrendell glamour. Always up at that house—until one day she wasn’t.”

My breath catches.

“What? Mom? But... but she practically avoided them when I was growing up. We never—I never knew she had anything to do with the Arrendells.”

Janelle looks down.

“Yes, yes, certain people do keep their business as private as possible and that’s their right.” She rubs the side of her nose with one finger. “Oh, I wish I could tell you more, dearie. But it’s been some time, and back then we didn’t have smartphones documenting everything. Much easier to be secretive in those days, too. Still, I don’t want to worry you with bad rumors and old, half-faded memories.”

“No, no, that’s... fine. I appreciate you telling me.”

It’s not fine.

I feel like I’m tied to a windmill.

What the hell did the Arrendells ever have to do with my mother?

And does it connect to Ros and Aleksander, and this bizarro engagement that’s looking more and more sus by the day?

I wish Mom was conscious enough to ask.

But it’s possible Ros knows something.

And I know one thing for certain.
