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She just gives me that knowing Mom look.


“Not here,” I answer reluctantly. “I texted asking her to come, but...”


Where do I even start?

I pin on a strained smile.

“But?” My mother’s brows wrinkle.

What else can I give her but the truth?

“I don’t know, Mom.” I shake my head. “I’ve seen her like twice since I came home and we just fight a lot. She ignores my texts. Honestly, I don’t—I don’t know what’s going on with her, but I’m worried I’m going to lose you both.” I swallow the massive lump lodged in my throat. “It’s her new boy, I think. He’s just eating up her time, always pulling her away.”

“New boy? Who?” Mom stares at me.

This time, I frown.

Surely, she had some hint of what my sister was up to before the coma pulled her under?

“You-know-who,” I offer, but she doesn’t say anything. I clear my throat. “So, Mom, how long has Ros been dating Aleksander, anyway?”

I’m not expecting what’s next.

Honestly, I don’t know how my mother could get any paler, but she does.

Her hand seizes mine, her grip so fierce it digs into my palm with bony fingers.

Her eyes widen and she stares in abject disbelief.

Total horror etched in her face.

“Aleksander? Aleksander Arrendell?” she croaks, her voice breaking.

I nod slowly.

“Well, yeah. The one and only.”

“No! N-not him. Notthatboy. He’s not the right one, Ophelia. God, he’s—you can’t—she can’t—you can’t let them!”

“Mom, calm down,” I urge, leaning toward her, hating that she’s so upset. But why? “Believe me, if I could convince her to look at other options, I’d—”

I stop as my mother quivers, her eyes darting around the room as her nails sink into my flesh.

“Ophelia, no. No, it’s not right! It’ssacrilege.”

Holy hell, what?

She trails off with a muffled sigh, like just speaking saps her energy.

And those stinging nails in my hand are gone. Her eyes flutter shut as she sinks into the bed, her head lolling to one side.

“Miss Angela?!” Nell whimpers.

