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And I get the sickest feeling Aleksander knew it all along.

“Hey, Cap, what’s wrong? What the hell did it say?” I hear Lucas asking, but I can’t answer.

I dig my feet into the mud, fighting to stand up as my mind strains, wondering what the hell to do with this waking nightmare.



I’m asleep on the sofa when the door bangs open with a crash loud enough to stop my heart.

I bolt up with a startled scream, my eyes snapping open.

The look on Grant’s face when my vision clears doesn’t stop the panic slashing through me.

What happened?

What is it now?

I stare at him, standing in the doorway with his face ash grey, his brown eyes stark, his chest heaving like every breath is cement.

“Ophelia,” he snarls roughly. “We have to find Ros. Right fucking now.”

“Why? What’s going on?” I clutch my throat, trying to tame my rabbiting pulse. I’m already scrambling for my phone with my other hand. “What’s wrong? Is she hurt?”

“No, not exactly, I don’t—oh, fuck.” He swipes a hand down his face and steps into the house, moving with a weariness that seems to have aged him a thousand years.

My heart slows to the dullthumpof the door slamming shut in his wake.

Grant sinks down on the sofa next to me and fully buries his face in his hands.

Holy hell, what happened?


“I don’t know how to fucking say this, Philia. I don’t. But I can’t keep this from you,” he rumbles.

I shake my head painfully.

“Keep what?” I’m frozen, phone pinched in my hand, thumb hovering over Ros’ contact. Cold dread squeezes me like a snake. “Grant, you’re scaring me...”

He slowly lifts his head, looking at me with haggard eyes.

“We found letters,” he says slowly, wetting his lips. “They were buried at the scene where Mason Law showed you the body. He hid them there.” Grant’s eyes are almost pleading. “They’re from Angela, Philia. Addressed to Montero Arrendell.”


I am so, so confused the world goes fuzzy.

My phone drops into my lap as I brace myself against the back of the sofa. What else isn’t he telling me?

Grant looks at me miserably and shakes his head. He’s wearing the same face I imagine he uses as an officer when he has to show up to someone’s doorstep with the very worst news.

“I don’t understand. What... what are you saying?”

Deep down, I’m scared that I know.

At least, I have an inkling.
