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Ask me if I care.

Now, all I can see is Aleksander Arrendell’s back—and then nothing but a smear of color as I slam into him like a freight train.

“Nell!” Ophelia cries.

It happens faster than I can blink.

Nell rushing into Ophelia’s arms.

Ophelia grabbing her, pulling her and Ros toward the wheelhouse and safety—right before Aleksander’s bony damn elbow snaps back at my face.

My nose cracks.

My vision explodes in a surge of white.

Pain bursts over me like a roaring waterfall.

Of course, that doesn’t stop me from reaching, from grabbing him, from catching his shitty fucking tux.

He’s all dressed up with nowhere to go exceptdown.

And he howls, cursing like a wounded beast.

I pry my eyes open, vision hazed with pain, and fling myself at him again.


I’m a human wrecking ball.

The only thing that matters is demolishing this asshole.

I throw him to the ground and grab for his wrist, his gun.

I can’t risk it.

Let him hurt me all he wants, but if that gun goes off and strikes one of my girls—

“You ridiculous brute,” he grinds out, writhing under me like an eel. His knees jab my gut, throwing me off-balance, pushing me back, but Iwon’tstop. “You’re ruining the entire thing!”

“Get fucked,” I snarl.

I have to take a risk, it’s the only way.

I let go of his wrist—and then plow my fist into his face like an angry god.

Blood explodes everywhere.

Aleksander lets out a cry that’s pure shock before the pain hits his brain. Then all he can do is make this gurgling sound.

His hand tightens convulsively on the gun.

Wrenching his arm, I slam it down on the deck, but the shot goes off.

It’s deafening and just ahead of another noise.

Crashing glass.

