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That barrel chest stops rising and falling, his lips parting soundlessly. Without a word, he gives me his reaction.

You take my breath away.

I smile shyly, glancing at Mr. Faircross.

Together, we step forward.

The moment I take that first stride, though, I gasp.

A cloud of blue light erupts around me as several townsfolk let go of the ties on delicate nets I hadn’t noticed before.

Before I can blink, I see swarms of glittering, beautiful blue morpho butterflies.

They float up like scattered leaves, rising to the sky.

My gasp of wonder isn’t the only one as the family, friends, and neighbors gathered here today stare up at the sky in amazement.

The butterflies fan out in delicate arcs of jeweled wings, shedding their dust in soft motes that feel like they’re showering me with magic today.

My heart spills over.

It really is the wedding of my wildest fantasies.

I can’t stop myself from laughing with the sheer elation running through me while Jensen and I step forward again.

It’s a slow march.

It’s supposed to be.

But I’m not a patient girl. I want to break free and justrunto Grant.

He’s magnetic, this constant pull drawing me to his side, and it takes far too long to make that graceful procession. My train flares behind me, shining in the sunlight with a little more dust that fell from the butterflies’ wings.

It’s over before I draw my next breath, and here I am.

Face-to-face with destiny—and who knew it was so handsome?

Jensen’s arm slips free from mine, turning me free.

The only thing stopping me from reaching for Grant is the bouquet of white lilies clutched in my fingers. For a breathless second, we just stare at each other in awe, before he smiles that slow, boyish smile that feels like it’s just for me.

“Is it everything you dreamed of?” he whispers.

“Everything and more,” I answer. “You really...? All of this, I mean? Just from what I told you?”

“With a little help from your ma and sister.” He grins. “They made sure I didn’t fuck it up.”

I giggle low in my throat. “And what about you? This wedding feels like it’s all for me...”

“Ophelia,” he growls fervently, nearly stopping my heart, “you’reeverything I ever dreamed of and now you’re standing here. If I’ve got you, what the hell else do I need?”


Looks like he’s determined to kill me before we finish our vows.

But then the priest clears his throat, glancing at us with indulgent amusement before the traditional words begin. “Dearly beloved...”

Ah, here we go.
