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“Oh. You meant this stop,” I whisper, staring at the cemetery gates as Grant pulls the truck into a parking slot.

“Thought he’d want to see you in your dress,” Grant rumbles gently. “And I thought you’d want to say goodbye.”

Somehow, my eyes find a few last tears.

I understand.

It’s finally time for us to truly let Ethan go.

Hand in hand, we walk through the tombstones, the procession as solemn as our wedding march.

When we reach my brother’s grave, it’s almost jarring to see the freshly turned earth there, the grass only slowly beginning to grow over it in a thinner carpet than the neighboring plots.

We interred him right around New Year’s.

No more empty grave.

No more missing date of death.

No more gaping questions.

My wonderful brother finally laid to rest, his name cleared... and I remember my resolution that day.

To live a life he’d be proud of.

As I stand here with Grant, I think I’m on my way.

Ethan would be proud of me today.

Of both of us.

He tried to save the woman he loved. He fought for her. He failed, in the end, but I followed in his footsteps.

Together, we saved my family, Grant’s family,ourfamily.

We fought like hell and we won.

“Hey, big brother,” I whisper, smiling even though I’m breaking. “Guess who just married your favorite asshole?”

“Hey!” Grant flares with a chuckle. “Don’t listen to her. Well, listen to her, but not about me being an asshole.”

“Oh, please.” I snort. “He’d be right here calling you every variant of ass along with me.”

“Yeah, guess he would.” Grant’s eyes soften. He squeezes my hand tight as he looks at the headstone in silence.

“Hey, buddy,” he whispers. “Hope you know I’ll do my damnedest to make her happy. I’ll look after her—even when she’s giving me the lifetime of hell I’m missing from you.”

Be still, my heart.

But that’s asking the impossible.

Because I don’t think I could ever feel more complete than I do right now.

Hand in hand with my new husband, feeling Ethan’s presence.

He’s still here, still watching over us from the Great Beyond, and loving the crazy romance we’ve found in each other.

That’s when I remember to check the ring.
