Page 20 of Sundancer's Star

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Joelle cupped his head with her two hands, turning his face toward her. “But why don’t you want to ride, Daddy? I want to ride.”

Caleb shook his head. “I’m sorry, I just don’t.” He wasn’t about to explain it to his daughter. Riding had always been a passion of his, but now, the very thought brought no joy. Only memories of Lauren. “Not everything can be explained, but since Madison tells me you’ve been good today, I’ll teach you to brush her coat. She loves being groomed.”

“Okay. Are we going to give her a bath?”

“Not today.” Caleb was pleased Joelle didn’t press the subject and was more than willing to let her take a bigger role in helping with the process. He moved to the table where he had laid some of the tack. “This is a curry brush,” Caleb said, picking up the coarsely bristled brush. “She needs a good brushing and we’ll be sure to comb her mane. Make her look all nice and pretty for her walk.”

“I see how it is. You brought us here to work,” Madison teased.

Caleb chuckled. “Ah, but it’s not work if it’s fun.”

“Show me how to do it, Daddy. I want to have fun,” Joelle said, taking the brush from him.

Caleb and Madison exchanged an all-knowing look. Getting a kid to see work as fun was half the battle. The other half was keeping it that way. “Here, like this,” he said, taking her hand and guiding the strokes, starting at the neck, and moving down the flanks. “Not too hard so that it hurts, but enough pressure to make it feel good and loosen any dirt and dust that accumulates.” Caleb would be sure to add a few extra strokes of his own knowing Joelle’s touch would be super soft.

Madison held Star’s halter while he worked with Joelle. She stroked Star’s nose and spoke to her in a gentle voice. The horse loved all the attention and swished her tail a few times to show it. It would seem Madison also had a way with horses, something Caleb couldn’t fail to appreciate.

“How do you know so much about horses?” he asked.

“Growing up, I used to hang out in the stables at the end of our street. The owners taught me to ride and in exchange, I worked in the barn and stables, learning about their care. It was a win-win situation. Unfortunately, we moved into town after my dad passed away and then I didn’t have a way to get out there since mom worked. But once you learn, the knowledge and the love of horses never goes away,” she said, her hand stopping mid-stroke as she caught his gaze, a wealth of meaning in her words.

“Perhaps you’re right, but sometimes love simply isn’t enough.” It hadn’t been enough to keep his wife alive. And it wasn’t enough to keep him riding. But Madison was right, his love for horses still lived deep inside. And Star knew it. “Time to turn her out into the pasture while I muck out her stall.”

“Okay. I’ll head inside and get dinner started. Joelle, why don’t you come with me?” Madison asked, reaching for his daughter.

“Can I help you cook dinner?” Joelle asked, practically leaping from his arms to go with Madison. The nanny had certainly scored a big hit with his daughter.

“Certainly. You’re always a big help in the kitchen.” Madison was being too kind.

Caleb knew Joelle was no such thing, always making bigger messes. But Madison had the patience of a saint…or someone who would make a great mom one day.

After they left, Caleb pulled out the apple he’d snagged from the refrigerator. Using his pocketknife, he sliced it up, offering it as a treat to Star. Chance, his old horse loved apples, and a special bond had been formed by the nightly ritual. It would seem Star, too, had a penchant for Red Delicious apples.

The spaghetti dinner had been a big hit with both Joelle and Caleb. It was one of those go-to meals that never went astray and one Madison relied on often. And plenty of sauce meant easy-to-fix meals with fresh pasta lickety-split quick. “Do you want me to stay and look over the ledgers some more tonight? I don’t have anything else I need to do, so I don’t mind.”

Caleb shook his head. “I wouldn’t want to impose. You’ve done so much extra already, and I’m sure I’m taking you out of circulation.”

Madison grinned. “I don’t mind, honestly. Other than visiting with my mother, I don’t go out much. I thrive on challenges. Ask my mom if you don’t believe me.”

“Say yes, Daddy. I want Madison to stay,” Joelle said, her words sending another positive tug of emotion to Madison’s heart.

“I guess I’m outnumbered. I can put a movie on for Joelle and if you’re positive you don’t mind, we can go over the inventory sheets I picked up from the store while you were cooking dinner.”

No one could resist the child’s sweetness, including her father. “Sounds like a plan. So how did it go with Star?” Madison asked.

“Got everything done and then some. I’m still trying to figure out why she follows me around, but it’s cute. Not something I’ve experienced with a horse before.”

“Maybe it’s the Legacy. Her power to connect and heal, if it’s to be believed, would be miraculous. Talk about a special gift,” Madison said, pointing out what Caleb already knew, but still hadn’t quite accepted.

“But not one I needed,” he countered.

“That remains to be seen. Star has singled you out, that much is undeniable, but what happens next, we can only wait and see.” She wasn’t letting him off the hook easily.

Caleb shrugged. “If I find a new home for Star, there won’t be a next. So don’t go getting too attached.”

“I think she’s beautiful and a nice addition to your family.” Madison didn’t want to point out the obvious, but perhaps the horse sensed Caleb’s deep internalized grief and the mare looked to draw him out of the dark place he’d retreated to. Madison had done her research on the Legacy and fully believed Star’s previous owner had chosen well. Caleb needed to reconnect with life and the living and perhaps tapping into something he once loved to do…riding horses would be the perfect way to spur the change. She wouldn’t press the issue, letting God take control and use Star if that was the plan. Already, Caleb was making progress, his actions today proving how far he’d come to trusting her and spending time with her by choice.

Madison sat down at the table and sorted through the inventory sheets, trying to get a sense of how they were laid out and what data she would find. By the time she had them arranged in order, Caleb returned.
