Page 35 of Sundancer's Star

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“If you say so. Are you still going to the interview?” her mother asked.

Madison nodded. “I am.”

“Pity. California is a long way away. You and Caleb would make a handsome couple and little Joelle is precious. You could find something closer to home, and maybe have a careeranda family. I’ve enjoyed having you home, and it’s been lonely what with your father gone and then you left town.” Her mother folded the hand towel and hung it on the sink door.

They’d been over this before, but this time her mother was ramping up the guilt. “Like I said, Caleb and I are friends. And I’m sorry, but to make one’s mark in the fashion industry, it’s all about exposure. Something you get from a big city clientele. I’ll try to visit more often, but we should enjoy what’s left of the time I am here. We could do something fun today.” Anything to get her mind off Caleb and Joelle.

Her mother removed the apron she always wore…one of three Madison had picked out for her years ago for Christmas, thoughKiss the Cookwas Madison’s favorite. “I’d like that. Maybe we could go to lunch and do some shopping over in Austin,” her mother suggested.

“Good idea. I could buy some new shoes to go with the outfit I designed for the interview. I can’t wait to show it to you.” Madison had spent hours creating the pattern and even more hours sewing the dress, but it was simply perfect, and she was excited to show it off.

“That sounds wonderful. But then all your designs are. Let’s meet up in one hour and head out. That will give me some time to finish up a few things.”

“Sounds good.” Madison made her way to the living room, her gaze drawn to a couple walking hand in hand down the sidewalk. That’s what she wanted in her life, a loving relationship. Once again, life was throwing her a curve ball that put a kink in the plan. The job was on the horizon, but the man was here in Dover.

But then love took two people, and Caleb was emotionally unavailable. For a short time, it had seemed he was willing to move forward, but then he’d retreated, putting up a wall between them. It wasn’t like she expected them to move to the city, so it was all for the best. She just wished it wasn’t so confusing. Caleb wasn’t looking for love, which was more proof her mother was wrong.

Madison knew it was the right thing for her to take the interview and give it her best shot.Onward and upward.

Every day the routine was the same for Caleb. Get Joelle up, feed her breakfast, and get her dressed, packed, and ready to spend the day at the store. His daughter was growing bored and acting out, not that he blamed her. There were only so many ways Joelle could play at the store, but it’s not like he had a choice.


If he hadn’t fired Madison, she’d still be watching his daughter and Joelle would have fun. He was tempted to call her and apologize, hoping she could help until she found out about the job. Except someone in the store mentioned she was flying out on Wednesday. It wasn’t enough time to change the result. He still needed to find someone to watch his daughter.

And as much as he wanted to believe he needed Madison for Joelle; he was honest enough to admit to himself how much he missed her. And it was after he’d tucked Joelle in bed and he was alone, that the void in his heart hurt the most.

Tonight, he didn’t want to dwell on all that he’d lost, and he didn’t want to think about the store or his uncle. What he needed was Madison’s cheerful attitude, but he would have to settle for a movie.

Except when the movie started, he was only vaguely aware of what was happening on the screen. Madison had been right about so many things. What he wouldn’t give to undo the words he had said to her, especially given she was right. It was time he faced his fear that danger lurked in every corner, and time he sought professional help to make it work. Lauren’s death was an accident. Letting the accident control his life wasn’t good for him or his daughter. It was time to move on, and unfortunately, because of his big mouth, it would be without Madison.

Of course, the new company would want Madison. She was talented, smart, and genuine to the core. They’d be fools not to hire her, just like he’d been a fool to fire her.

“Madison. Madison,” Joelle called out, her voice capturing his attention.

Caleb bolted down the hall to his daughter’s room. She was tossing and turning on the bed but was still asleep. “Madison. Madison,” she cried out again.

He moved to the bedside and cradled his daughter, not wanting to scare her. “Sweetheart, it’s daddy. Wake up. You’re having a bad dream.” He smoothed back her hair off her face as her eyes fluttered open.


“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m right here.” His heart ached for Joelle, as her eyes shimmered with tears.

“I want Madison. I miss her, Daddy.”

Caleb missed her, too. “I know you do. She’s going to a job interview. Grownups need to work and, unfortunately, what she loves to do requires her to live in the city.”

“It’s not fair. Mommy’s gone and now Madison’s gone too,” she cried, hiccupping on a sob.

Caleb cupped the side of her face gently. “You’ve got me. I can hug you whenever you need someone to lean on, and I’m a good listener.”

“I don’t want to lean on you. That would make it hard to walk. I want to make cookies. And swim, and ride bikes, and horses. I want to be like other kids, Daddy.”

Her words hit him straight in the heart like a lightning bolt. If he didn’t wake up and figure out how to live again, he’d lose his daughter. And that would destroy him. “I understand. I’m sorry if I’ve been going overboard trying to keep you safe. Life is for living, something Madison and Star have taught me. You’ll get to do all those things, and you’ll make friends at school this fall.”

“Promise?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Pinky promise,” Caleb said, holding up his little finger.
