Page 9 of Sundancer's Star

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“Well, I’m hoping as a nanny you’ll do a little more than that around the house. Maybe I can talk you into cooking. It’s not my strong suit, although, not from the lack of trying. I promise.”

“Daddy and I cook stuff. But sometimes it’s burnt, and we throw it away.” Joelle’s nose scrunched up in distaste.

“I’m sure we can arrange some actual work time in the day. So what’s the plan?”

For the first time since he’d discovered his power was out, it appeared things were moving in a positive direction. Hopefully, his uncle was right, and he could save Bigsby’s. “Let me run into the store for a minute and tell my uncle I’m leaving. He’s working on printing out some ledger statements for me to review and should have them finished by tomorrow or the next day.”

“Sounds good. It’ll give me a chance to look around the store, seeing as I haven’t been in since I came back to town while I keep an eye out for the tow truck. They should be here any minute, and I just need to give the driver the keys.”

They headed inside, Joelle hand in hand with her new best and only nanny.

“Be right back.” Caleb headed for the backroom, not seeing his uncle. Tommy was stocking shelves and waved in their direction, but otherwise kept to himself. He peeked into the office and found his uncle hard at work. “Hey there, I’ve got to run to the house. Turns out Madison Bradley needs a job and she’s going to watch Joelle for me so I can focus more on the accounts and the store.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’m sure once you’ve reviewed the ledgers, you’ll figure something out that I’m doing wrong…or could do better. My failure isn’t from the lack of trying to get it right,” he added.

“Again, thank you for all you’ve done for Joelle and me. When you finish printing those out, can you drop them by the house? I’m thinking with a new nanny, I should work from home for the first few days just to see how it all pans out.”

His uncle frowned, shaking his head. “What, you don’t trust Madison? Or is this more about you not wanting to let Joelle out of your sight? You know, at some point you are going to have to let loose of the tight control and let her live a little.”

“Maybe, but not yet.” Caleb turned, pausing at the doorway to watch Madison walk around the store, pointing out items to Joelle. The two of them laughed at something she said. Madison wore her emotions for all to see. Bubbly like a freshly popped bottle of champagne, the woman made the Easter Bunny seem slow. Straight blonde shoulder-length hair framed her pixie face. She was an attractive woman for sure, not that he was interested in any way other than as a professional.

Lauren was the light of his life and always would be. Some folks in town suggested it was time he moved on and started to live again, but he wasn’t ready. Not that he would ever be ready because he still loved his wife as much now as the day he’d fallen hard for her. Death couldn’t change the depth of feelings in his heart. Actually, it had strengthened them. Caleb’s gaze dropped down to the ring on his left hand…the symbol of his love. The forever circle.

He pushed the thought aside and crossed the room to join them. “All set ladies?”

“Yup. Look at what Miss Madison found.Umm, what are they called again?” Joelle asked, her face scrunched up as she tried to remember.

“Pipe cleaners.” Madison’s smile was warm and bright, calming his first reaction to the identity of the fuzzy metal sticks.

“That’s it.” Joelle held up three packages, each in a different color.

“You’re not planning on smoking around my daughter, are you?” Caleb teased, but in some small way, making sure.

Madison shook her head and laughed. “Hardly. They’re for arts and crafts. Hence…the glue, sparkles, and fuzzy puff balls,” she added, holding up the other items in her hand.

Which made far more sense given they were purple, green, and yellow. “Good.” How was he supposed to know? It’s not like he ever did much in the way of arts and crafts growing up, and certainly never anything that involved a pipe cleaner.

She headed for the checkout counter. “I gave the tow truck driver the keys while you were in the back office, so other than paying for this stuff, I’m all set to go.”

“Tommy, put her items on my tab, please,” Caleb said, unwilling to let her pay.

Madison turned back to him, wallet in hand. “You don’t have to do that. I don’t mind seeing as it’s my idea.”

“Neither do I, and since it’s for Joelle, I insist.” Not to mention, Madison had never refuted the broken and busted comment his daughter had relayed.

Moments later, Joelle carrying the bag of goodies, the three of them headed for the truck. On the way there, Caleb tried and barely got in a word or two, his daughter stealing the show. Her animated discussion revolved around what animal she would make with the pipe cleaners, and the list was endless.

Caleb turned into the long driveway and parked in front of the house. “Before you two run off and tackle your first crafting project, I’ll show you around inside and outside to point out any areas of concern,” Caleb offered. Places like the barn were off-limits. Outside without supervision. There was a long list he wanted to share with the new nanny.

“Sure thing. But just so you know…I know what a living room looks like, and a kitchen, and a bedroom, and maybe even a bathroom,” she said, shooting him a wink. Madison’s humor was cute and would keep him on his toes.

“Yes, but do you know where I keep the extra set of keys for the house? Or like, where dirty shoes go? Or even where to find an umbrella?” he asked, figuring two could play her game.

“Well, based on all that insanely important information, lead on.” Madison chuckled.

Caleb unlocked the front door and gestured for them to enter. “Don’t forget to show her my room, Daddy. It’s a fairy princess room. And you got to show her the tent,” Joelle said, beaming with pride as she grabbed Madison’s hand to lead her down the hall.

Caleb nodded. “Maybe you can show her your room and the tent later. While I’m working.” The tent and stars were something he and Lauren had started when Joelle was two years old. It was their special thing and not something he felt inclined to share with another woman. Lauren’s friend or otherwise.
