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It was a fabulous afternoon, Amy had to admit. Lex had a few beers while they ate lunch before the band began to play. A couple of the guys in the band had been kids that Lex had gone to school with, so while he went up to say hi during one of their breaks, Amy made her way into the restroom, returning to their table a few minutes later.

While she was drinking coffee and waiting for Lex to return, she saw a familiar face at the bar. It was Mike, the guy she’d dated for a couple of months as a high school sophomore.

He approached the table, sitting for a moment to talk. And then Mike brought up their homecoming date and told her how Lex had scared him off.

“You mean that Lex was the reason you never asked me out again?” she asked, starting to laugh.

“He was the most intimidating guy I’d ever met,” Mike replied. “He actually asked me what my intentions were.”

Amy laughed harder.

“So, what are you doing these days besides going to school? I’m here for a couple weeks to visit my parents for Christmas.” Mike observed.

“She’s going to be busy,” Lex growled, glaring down at Mike.

Mike blinked before he moaned. “Oh, no. Not again.”

Amy started laughing uncontrollably.

Lex still looked angry until Amy finally spoke.

“I guess there was a reason he was always watching out for me, Mike. Although he never treated me with anything but utmost respect,” Amy said.

“You mean the two of you are together?” Mike asked, looking back and forth. “I guess that makes sense since you’re not all that far apart in age. I keep forgetting that you’re not actually a biological brother and sister.”

“Sorry for being jealous,” Lex said, definitely looking sheepish.

Mike snorted “If she was my girl, I’d be jealous too. Especially since you just caught me asking her out.”

Lex suddenly smiled. “We’re going to be leaving soon, but would you like to stick around and have some coffee with us?”

“Nah. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you two around town. Enjoy your night. I just came in for a few minutes to hear the band. Mom and Dad are expecting me home for dinner,” Mike said, standing and reaching out with his hand.

Lex shook it.

As Mike walked away, Lex sat back in the booth across from Amy. “Why am I such an idiot when it comes to you? I remember asking myself that same question when I found myself volunteering to chaperone the Homecoming dance when you were dating Mike.”

“I was always that way about you too. You just didn’t notice. Although Mom did. That was part of the reason she took me out for my Homecoming makeover. I told her I was tired of looking like a little kid.”

“That was the start of it for me alright,” Lex answered, becoming thoughtful. “I kind of thought I was going crazy for just noticing how much you’d grown up.” He hesitated. “I have something for you. I bought it for your birthday anniversary, as Mom and Dad like to call it, before I left home, but I realized it wasn’t really appropriate to give you at the time.”

“What is it?” she asked, noticing that Lex was digging in his pocket.

“It’s something for you to wear if you’d like,” he replied, handing over a box.

She quickly unwrapped the box, popping open the cover.

“Oh, Lex,” she huffed out in a whisper. “It’s beautiful.”

He grimaced. “But the pendant is shaped like a heart, with two entwined dragonflies wrapped around a dark blue sapphire, which reminded me of the color of your eyes. I realized that an expensive necklace like that might have been misinterpreted back then.”

She gave him a teary smile, holding it to her neck. “But definitely not now. Would you help me put it on? I don’t know if I’ll ever take it off.”

“I’m glad you like it, Amy,” he said softly, as he stood and hooked the clasp. “I think that maybe it’s time for us to head home. The family should be wrapping things up at the winery.”

She smiled. “Yes, they’ve actually learned how to delegate now that we’re open early weekend evenings. We even have a manager. Matthew finally hired someone last year.”

After Lex took care of the bill, they headed outside, where light snow was beginning to fall.
