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“At the Crystal Rock Tap, eating lunch with Amy.”

“Is your Dad home?”

“He should be. He’s probably at the winery right now,” Lex replied.

“How about we meet in about an hour in Gabe’s study?” Jake asked.

“Okay. I’ll give Dad a call right now.”

Lex felt concerned as he glanced at Amy before giving Dad a quick call to let him know what was up.

They ate the rest of their meal in silence. Jake wasn’t one to beat around the bush. Whatever Jake had to tell him must have been pretty bad, and Amy understood that too.

* * *

“I’m going to make this as short and sweet as possible,” Jake said, pacing Dad’s study. “We decided to get his DNA since we had easy access at the Inn. He’s going by the name of Brent Masterson.” Jake paused. “We ran his DNA through the system, where he wasn’t a match to anyone in our data base, I don’t know what made me decide to try it, sometimes it’s just a feeling. There’s a faint similarity between his facial features and yours, something that wouldn’t have been noticed when you were a kid. So, I ran a DNA match against yours, Lex. There were some similar familial markers, which means you’re related. His father, I’m beginning to suspect, might have been your grandfather.”

“What?”Dad and Lex roared in unison.

“No,”Lex cried out, suddenly remembering the pain. “How could someone I’m related to…”

His eyes filled with tears, and then suddenly Amy was there, with her arms wrapped around him. “That’s okay, Lex. We’ll get through this. I promise. Let’s see what else Jake has to say.”

“It was a puzzle I needed to solve before I got a hold of you,” Jake said, obviously finding it difficult to continue. “I contacted a colleague of mine who’s an investigator in the U.K. Obviously, they have their own data base that doesn’t always overlap with ours unless terrorism is involved.”

“So, what did you find out?” Dad asked, heaving a sigh.

“He was born in Wales. His given name was Charlie Seff. I checked into his background, and his father was rather distinguished. The problem with Charlie, presumably, is that he incurred a lot of debt, and had certain, err…sordid proclivities. Despite his father repeatedly paying off his debts, he never stopped getting into trouble. Finally, his father had enough and disowned him.”

Lex heaved a sigh, closing his eyes as Amy clasped his hand tightly.

“When his mother died, his father remarried. She bore him a son. His name was Oliver Seff. He ended up becoming a highly regarded music producer who had a knack for discovering talent.”

“Geez, Lex,” Amy said. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Maybe that’s why you knew how to play the piano.”

Lex’s eyes went wide.

Jake continued, “Eventually, he married a woman named Chloe, a recording star at the time. She bore him a son and then gave up her career. Their son’s name was Lleu, apparently a traditional name meaning fair or light. I guess the boy was born with very light-colored hair, and they named him after his great-grandfather, who was an historic member of their community in the county of Monmouthshire.”

“Lleu Seff,” Lex repeated.“Lex.”

“A nickname,” Jake agreed. “But here’s the tragedy, Lex. The three of them were supposedly killed in a plane crash here in the U.S. while they were recruiting talent.” Jake grimaced. “Although it’s almost certain you’re the son, I’ve managed to have the case quietly reopened. After he died, guess who stepped in to run the company, which he sold for a small fortune. There are so many unanswered questions. Charlie supposedly kissed up to his father after his son Oliver and his family were killed, but there was never any evidence that Charlie had changed enough that his father would have been fooled, or even Oliver. Somehow, Charlie was able to acquire Oliver’s assets as well as the family estate and manufacturing business, which someone else has managed to keep afloat, otherwise, they never would have been awarded this U.S. government contract. They were definitely in trouble before that.”

Lex shook his head dazedly. “If I was their son, why wasn’t I killed?”

“This is why I’m concerned,” Jake answered. “Your life could still be in danger. His only source of income, we believe, is what he draws from the estate. Somehow, he was able to become the heir, so my colleague is looking into that as well. Although there could be something else we’re missing.”

“That’s why I need to confront him,” Lex replied calmly. “I need to see his reaction, and maybe get him talking.”

Jake looked concerned. “There’s more, of course. I checked the newspaper archives in Milwaukee. We believe there was someone killed when you were there that night, and part of the reason was to snuff out the false identity that Charlie had assumed while he was living in the U.S. We believe he spent every penny of Oliver’s and then began operating with the trafficking ring. According to my friend in the U.K., he was a gambler and wastrel and blew through money as fast as he had it, and never stopped.”

Jake dug through a file folder he’d brought along. “Here’s a picture of the man who was killed. Do you recognize him, Lex?”

Lex stilled. “He was the bodyguard. Come to think of it, he wasn’t with Jay when he told me I was a murderer.”

“Who’s Jay?”

“My pimp,” Lex muttered.
