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“I can’t imagine making a home anywhere besides Crystal Rock,” Lex admitted.

“I can’t either,” Amy agreed. “Thanks for everything, Jake. You and Danny have always been there for us too. I’m not sure how you do it, with everything going on in your lives.”

“Simple,” he muttered gruffly. “All of you matter. There were times in my life where I didn’t think that I did, and I would have loved to have a Lucy and Gabe in my life when I was young.”

Amy’s eyes filled with tears as she and Lex stood.

Lex cleared his throat. “How about going for a short walk with me, Amy? It’s been kind of a crazy day, and I could use some air.”

“A walk sounds great,” she agreed. “We’ll be back in a little while to help put everything back into place in the solarium.”

They headed through the front door with Brownie, who was waiting outside of the office.

“Are you warm enough?” Lex asked softly.

“Surprisingly, I am,” she answered, tugging her cape around her tightly. “It was getting kind of warm in there.”

They walked along the pathway which had been shoveled sometime during the morning.

“It’s been so nice having everyone here,” Amy admitted. “I really missed Izzy today.”

“So did I. It’s going to be rough when I have to leave again next week,” he said gruffly.

“We’ll have to find ways to get together, Lex, no matter where you are,” she said.

“I was just thinking the same thing myself,” he replied, tugging her into his arms. “I’m going to do everything I can to stay safe so that I can come home to you.”

She gave him a tender smile. “How did you know that’s just what I was thinking?”

“The same way that you’ve always known what I have. Sometimes, it’s almost like we can read each other’s minds.”

“Thank you for giving me such a beautiful day, Lex.”

“You’re welcome, but all of this was just as much for me as it was for you,” Lex confessed. “I wanted it to be the most memorable Christmas homecoming that we’ll ever have.”

She couldn’t imagine her life without Lex, she realized, staring into his warm green eyes. It had been like that practically from the moment they’d met.

She stared across the ice coated lake, twinkling as if it was covered with fairy lights. The moon was bright and full above them, reminding Amy of the night they’d said goodbye after Lex had enlisted.

“Kiss me, Mr. Giordano,” she said in a breathless voice.

“I’d be happy to, Mrs. Giordano,” he answered gently, pulling her into his arms for a long and passionate kiss.

A Note from the Author

I hope you’ve enjoyedTwo Hearts’ Christmas Homecoming,the twenty-third in myTwo Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance Books. There will be more to come with the Giordano family.

Happy Reading!!


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