Page 49 of Step-Santa

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Five perfect little girls and their gorgeous mother.

Carina and I made our family the old-fashioned way. And I guess there must be something in our water up here because all we’ve had is girls. The five we have already and another on the way, though Carina isn’t showing yet.

I’ve become a fucking health nut. I work out like I used to, but I’ve added in more raw foods.

Supplements and meditation.

And yoga.

Fucking, yo-ga. Me?

But, anything to keep me healthy and alive for as many years as possible, I’m all about it. We still eat meals in the dining room, but it’s more chaotic and I don’t give a shit if we don’t eat on time. As long as we are all together.

Sofia and Giulia were born three years apart, with Aurora coming along four years later, and then the twins Allegra and Fiorella were born about eighteen months ago. And my love has grown so much with each and every birth I spoil them all like a great grandfather should.

But, make sure they know their father is here for them to provide. To protect. And to teach.

This old gangster is getting soft, and I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about that.

My family is everything. And I would die to protect it.

Leonardo is still hanging tough. We have around a hundred in the heard now and old Mort disappeared a couple years after Carina and I married.

He came over and landed a shot into one of the reindeer one night. He was a bad shot, so the reindeer was fine.

Him, not so much. The fishes of Lake Harpon ate well that week. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.

Once he was declared dead, I bought his land, tore down his house and built another barn, and an airplane hanger for Carina’s growing collection of vintage planes which she flies for special occasions and when she just needs to feel that sense of freedom.

I’ll always be her protector and her greatest cheerleader. Seeing Carina doing what she loves gives me comfort that she lives the life she chooses.

She’s still got a foul mouth sometimes, and Aurora’s first word was fuck. I don’t care.

They’ve all done well in school despite the cursing. I wanted to have tutors for them at home, but Carina insisted they have a life outside of Chateau Sabato.

Mama has slowed down but she’s still on lasagna duty every Sunday. We have gone through a few other cooks over the years. None of them living up to her standards.

As for my own life, well, I’m still Don Sabato. I still have a hand in my family business from my workshop, the way I have all these years. Lucy is the Don, and everyone knows that, but she relies on my support and advice. Sometimes it’s tough, sometimes the decisions we have to make break my heart, but it’s all I know and it’s how I ensure my community stays safe. Carina understands that, and she leaves me to it.

She’s my greatest support. But, being a father and a husband is my greatest accomplishment.

As the dance winds down, and the crowd starts to applaud, I do the same. Later, I’ll have my own private performance from my little honeysuckle. But until then, I’ll just have to be satisfied sitting here with a boner.

Not much has changed.
