Page 27 of Fall

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They watch Genna leave, and as soon as she’s out of view, Elijah turns to Caleb.

“Did you really tell her that Evie took your virginity?”

Caleb squares his shoulders, making him look extra large in the shadows of the hallway.

“First, I told her that last year when we were talking about our first times. No one could have predicted that Evie would be here. Second, it’s creepy as fuck that you were eavesdropping on that.”

Elijah’s smirk is bathed in reddish shadows, making my lower abdomen dance even with the goosebumps littering my arms.

“What? Afraid I’d hear you bump uglies with the bitch?”

Okay, now I want to throw up. Just the idea of being stuck in this bathroom with Caleb and Genna fucking is just… no.

Caleb punches Elijah in the shoulder. “You know, you can fuck all the way off, Eli.”

Elijah’s face grows serious as he sighs. “Real talk. What are we going to do about Evie? I know Justin says to leave her alone until Micah gets back. But as much as I hate to admit it, Genna might be right. She’s toxic. The longer she stays here, the more people will get hurt.”

“In the few minutes I got to talk to Micah, he swears Evie didn’t have anything to do with what happened to him,” Caleb says with a shrug, turning his face away from Elijah.

“Yeah, I know. But things don’t add up. Micah didn’t deny the thing Ryan said about a deal being mentioned or the fact that she knew the fucking Reaper.” He pauses with a sigh. “He could just be lying to protect her.”

Caleb puts his arm around Elijah’s shoulder. “Which we won’t know until he gets back and we can see his face. Let’s just follow Justin’s lead for now until we get more information.”

Elijah concedes. “Fine. But just promise me that you’re paying attention with eyes wide open. There are too many enemies on the board. Don’t get sidetracked with her.”

They start moving out of the hallway and farther from me. Once they’re out of view, I close the bathroom door and lean against it, breathing deeply to try to calm my nerves. Caleb sort of defending me, Elijah being the gorgeous dick he is… ugh. At least Micah is alive. I take one last breath and walk out of the bathroom.

Making my way to the bar, I glance over to where I know I’ll find Elijah and Caleb. Ever since I got here, it’s like there’s this invisible magnet that will always guide me to where they are. From behind the crowd, I secretly observe their interactions.

The dimples in Caleb’s cheeks are prominent when he laughs at someone’s joke, the way Elijah’s hair falls just past his eyes as they sparkle with hidden secrets. It’s always been so much more than physical attraction to them, even though they are, without a doubt, touched by gods.

There’s a pang of jealousy in my chest as I watch them live their lives without me in it. A year ago, it angered me to see them living so carefree, without a care in the world for what they did to me. Tonight, though, I can’t figure out if it’s because I used to be called friend and be a part of their inner circle, or if it’s because I still want to be.

All of my thoughts are instantly shut down as soon as I see Ryan come into view.

Ryan walks up to where the fraternity brothers are congregating, giving Elijah and Caleb bro hugs and shaking hands with Justin and a few other guys. With every step I take closer to the bar, my rage returns. That dumb fuck shot Micah and thinks he can get away with it.

“Hey, Eves, you good?” Taylor asks once I reach them. I shake my head and continue staring in Ryan’s direction.

Taylor turns to see what I’m staring at and immediately straightens his spine. “Fuck. What the hell is he doing here?”

“What is it?” Celeste asks, sliding off her bar stool and using Taylor’s arm to keep her balance.

He casually puts his arm around her shoulders and nods in my direction. “It’s time to take this party home.”

I nod back in agreement. With as confusing as this night has been, it’s most definitely time to go.


Ihit the snooze button on my alarm clock, pull off my covers, and stare at the ceiling.Fuck, I’m tired. Guess I’ll be skipping the gym this morning.

I stroll down the hallway to our shared bathroom as quietly as I can to let Celeste sleep in, but when I get to the bathroom, I can hear the water running on the other side of the door. I’m impressed that she got out of bed this early, especially knowing how much she drank last night.

I open the door and nearly jump out of my skin. Out of startled reflex I punch the person—who is most certainly not Celeste—in front of me.

“What the fuck are you doing in here?!” I shout at Taylor, my heart still racing, even though there’s no actual threat.

The fucker has the audacity to turn and smile at me with a toothbrush in his mouth. He leans over the sink to rinse his mouth before fully turning in my direction.
