Page 10 of Tangled Up

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Me: Weren’t you the one who told me ‘when you know, you know’?

Josie: Yes, but Lolly, I think you might just be infatuated with him?

Me: What if it’s not just that? What if it’s the real deal?

Josie is in the middle of typing a text when I feel Chase stir beside me. I quickly type out a text to Josie telling her that I have to go and I’ll talk to her later.

“Hey, come ’ere,” Chase says, his voice gruff with sleep.

I laugh as he pulls me into his strong arms, dropping my phone on my bedside table in the process.

“What’re you doing? Texting your other boyfriends?” he teases me, kissing my shoulder.

“Yep, you caught me,” I say.

“Such a naughty girl. I’m going to have to punish you for that.” He rolls over me and settles between my legs. I moan as his hard-on aches against me, my panties already going damp.

Afterward, I drag him out of bed so we can make breakfast together. While we cook, Twinkle weaves in and out of our legs, purring up a storm.

“I think those kittens are definitely ready to come out soon,” Chase says, eyeing Twinkle.

“Aww. I can’t wait. I wonder how big her litter is going to be.”

“I don’t know, but please promise me you won’t keep them all, Lolly.”

I grin at him. “Does that mean I can keep one or two?”


“What, you don’t think I’d be a good cat mom?” I joke.

“Huh? No. You’d be a great cat mom. Or just a mom, period.”

My heart squeezes. “That’s really sweet of you to say.”

“I mean it.”

My toaster oven dings, but we both ignore it.

“And you’re going to be a great dad,” I say to Chase. “To catsandkids.”

He smiles, but his eyes go serious. “I’m hoping they’re the same cats and kids as yours, Lolly.”

My heartbeat is going wild now. “Really?”

“Really.” He keeps looking at me with those serious eyes of his. “If it wasn’t an absolutely insane thing to do, I’d marry you today.”

I freeze. This can’t actually be happening, can it? Real life doesn’t work like this.

“You’re right, that would be absolutely insane,” I say.

“So we definitely shouldn’t do it,” he says.

“I mean…” I laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. “Everyone would think we were crazy, right?”

“No question about it.”

“At the very least, we should wait a few months.”
