Page 1 of Saving St. Nicolas

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It's been a long shift, and I can see the weariness in everyone's eyes, we are all ready to go home. We've battled two major fires tonight, and I want nothing more than to climb in my bed and sleep for the next twenty-four hours. I know Leia is safe at our cabin, and I'm sure it won't be long before Josh comes looking for me to find out where she is, but today, I can't muster the energy to care about that.

Finally, shift is over, and everyone is dragging to their vehicles. I get in mine, trying to stifle the yawn that I feel creeping up. I pull into my driveway, and thank God, I made it home safely, even with blurry eyes that desperately want to close and sleep.

I get out of the car, and before I register the figure who comes out of nowhere, I am struck with a fist to the head.

"Where is she, you bitch?" I hear Josh scream at me.

I try to stay on my feet to fight him, but the next blow knocks me down. He steps on my wrist, and I feel the kicks to my side. I know immediately he has broken at least one rib. It's hard to breathe, but then he is on top of me, punching me mercilessly, all the while screaming at me about Leia.

"Where the fuck is she?" he asks, but I don't answer him.

"It's your fault she left me, you stupid bitch. All of this is your fault. I'm going to fucking kill you."

I feel him wrap his hands around my throat and squeeze. I can't breathe, everything is going dark, but I can't die. I can't let him find Leia. I continue fighting until I feel his weight lifted off of me.

"It's okay, Riley. You are going to be okay," I hear my neighbor, Carmel, whisper in my ear.

"How is she?" her husband asks.

"Not good. He beat her up really bad. Riley, hold on, help is on the way."

“Jesus,” I hear him whisper.

I know I'm safe, so I give into the darkness that is pulling at me.

* * *

Two weeks later

In the distance I hear a beeping noise, not comprehending where it's coming from. I try to open my eyes, but everything is sore. Finally, I get my eyes open enough to see white walls, white ceiling, and the smell of antiseptic. I know immediately I'm in the hospital. I look over and see Leia sitting in the chair beside me.

"Hey," I whisper.

Leia looks up, and I can see the dark circles under her eyes.

“You're awake," she whispers. "How do you feel?"

"Sore," I admit, “How long have I been here?”

“Two weeks.”

“Wow, two weeks?” I ask, not understanding what happened.

"I'll go get the doctor," Leia says with a smile and tears.

She leaves the room, and I look around seeing Mike, Leia's brother sitting in the corner.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, still feeling groggy.

"I came home to check on Leia and stayed with her when I realized you were here and took a beating protecting her."

"Josh," I whisper as my memories hit me.

"Hey, it's okay. He will never, never hurt you or anyone else again. Understand?"
