Page 6 of Saving St. Nicolas

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After thirty minutes of pinning and redressing, we are on our way to the restaurant for some food before Krista passes out.

After we have ordered our meal, I look at Leia, who can’t seem to wipe the smile off her face.

“I’m so glad you girls love the dresses. I was worried it would be too dark of a color, but I knew I wanted green to go with the Christmas theme. Red would have washed each of your glorious complexions out.”

“I think you chose perfectly, and it’s not pink,” I say.

“Hey, I thought I picked a pretty color for my wedding,” Krista says with a pout.

“You picked just fine,” Leia and Emily tell her together.

“The dress was beautiful, I’m not big on the color pink, that’s all,” I say.

“Well, you looked wonderful, and all the football players couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off you,” Krista says, and we all laugh.

I shake my head because she isn’t wrong. I ended up with several phone numbers that night that were immediately deleted off my phone once I got home.

“Oh, before I forget, the hospital is holding their annual charity Christmas party in two weeks. Please tell me you all will be there? I’ve got the perfect Santa Claus for the kids, and I’m hopeful that we get enough gifts for the kids in the children’s wing.”

“Are you putting this together?” I ask.

“I’m helping, but I’m not the main planner,” Leia responds.

“That’s good, because your wedding is in four weeks, and I know you still have lots to do for that,” I tell her.

“That’s true,” she admits with a sigh.

“You know we are here to help, all you have to do is ask,” Krista says.

“I know, but I also know you all are so busy with your own lives. Emily has Jake and the twins. Krista, you are newly married, running your practice, and trying to find time to see your husband during his NFL season. Ri, you are a firefighter, keeping our city safe, and working long hours. None of you have the time, and I would never ask you to give up what precious time for yourselves that you get.”

“Oh, this coming from the new doctor in pediatrics, who is helping to plan the annual hospital Christmas party, while simultaneously planning and preparing her own wedding,” I tell her.

“We all have busy jobs and lives, Leia, but it doesn’t mean we won’t make time to help each other,” Krista says, and Emily nods.

“I know. I feel so guilty asking you all for help,” she tells us with tears shimmering in her eyes.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. We are here for each other no matter what, and if you need help, don’t be afraid to ask,” I tell her as I pull her in for a side hug, and the girls grab her hand, squeezing their support.

“I’m really trying to be respectful of your lives, but I can’t lie. I am so overwhelmed,” Leia admits.

“What can we do to help?” Krista and Emily ask at the same time.

Leia hiccups a laugh. “I need to pick out flowers for the ceremony and reception, but I don’t want poinsettias, though they are the most flowers associated with Christmas. I have to mail the invitations, but I don’t know who to invite. Noah hasn’t given me his list, yet. We are supposed to decide on the cake, but he’s working on a big case right now, and I feel like everything is on me to do,” she wipes the tears from her face.

“Is he working on the storefront cases?” Is there any news?” Krista asks.

“He is, and no, they aren’t sure who is causing the vandalism yet. I’m sorry to unload on you girls, I know it will all work out, and the most important thing is that the groom shows up…” she lets the statement trail off.

“I will pick the flowers for you, Leia,” Emily says. “I am more of a flower connoisseur than you are anyways,” she laughs.

“You and I can sit down and do the invitations. You already know who you want to invite, we will ensure that every person that works with Noah at the PD gets an invite, and if Noah thinks of anyone else, we will deal with those later,” Krista tells her.

“And we can go choose a cake you want for the reception, then Noah can pick what he wants for the groom cake, okay?” I tell her.

“You girls are my everything, you know that?” Leia says, smiling at everyone.

“This is going to be the best Christmas wedding ever,” I tell her.
