Page 35 of Bad Neighbors

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Dear Asshole,

What is it with the “just one more time” mentality? If it didn’t work the first 27 times you tried it, what makes you think it’s going to work the 28th?

I’m kind of thinking you reap what you sow at this point. Everyone’s pissed off at you, and you deserve it. Not that I think you are beyond redemption. If your motives are pure, I believe that anything can be redeemed.

Will it be easy? Scoff.

Will it be quick? Har, har.

Will it be worth it? Indisputably.

My recommendations: woo the girl. Old-fashioned word, you may not have seen it before. It means to seek the favor of, support from, or custom of an individual.

So how do you do this?

One. Be thoughtful. Make her breakfast, or bring her coffee. Doing something like this shows that you have an awareness of her routines, her likes and dislikes.

Two. Be present. You can do this by walking her to class, or being at the door to her class when she gets out. You can visit her workplace. Do you things that put you in her line of sight, and in a favorable manner.

Three. Be vulnerable. Show her that you need her, whether it is in an emotional manner, or in a very practical, ordinary way. Maybe you need her to show you how to use the Roku (it’s a thing; shut up). Maybe you need assistance with an assignment. People like to be needed. However, be careful. Nobody wants to feel used.

And romantic. Hopefully I don’t have to give you any real examples of how to be romantic. You should know, however, that the definition of romance differs from person to person. Figure out what is romantic to this girl, and then give it to her.

Hope this helps,


Chapter 26: Jude

Iknew exactly where I was when I woke up the next morning. If the furnace-like heat hadn’t clued me in, the mild snoring emanating from behind me would have.

Baron was wrapped around me like an octopus, all long arms and legs tangling with mine, his chest suctioned to my back. I couldn’t move, so I lay there, simultaneously enjoying the feeling of being held so snugly and wondering how on earth I got in this predicament.

I liked him. A lot. He was so much more than I thought at first glance, attentive and caring and significantly more intelligent than I gave him credit for. His sex appeal was off the charts, making him perfect on paper.


There was always a but. I couldn’t get involved with somebody right now. I had enough to do just trying to take care of me and Eleanor. I couldn’t add a guy into that mix, couldn’t ask one to put up with my brand of crazy.

I liked the other guys, as well. Ezra, at least. Ezra was funny. Brilliant and geeky with the body of an athlete. I found myself wanting to pull him away from the books and numbers, watch his eyes settle on me and glow with interest.

Galen… Galen confused me. The chemistry was a palpable thing when we were around each other. It was undeniable, but equally undeniable was the mutual distaste we held for each other. We were like fucking magnets, I thought, shifting slightly. When the positioning was right, we drew each other inescapably. When it was off, though, something in our personalities pushed us in opposite directions.

“You’re gonna set something on fire thinking that hard.” Baron’s voice grumbled sleepily in my ear.

I twisted slightly to look over my shoulder at him. His eyes were slitted and glittering darkly at me in the half-light, drowsy enough to make no attempt at covering his desire. I swallowed. “You snore.”

His mouth crooked up. “You talk. And laugh.”

I frowned. “In my sleep?”

