Page 64 of Bad Neighbors

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“I’m close, Ez—”

Holding her with one arm, the fingers of my other hand found her clit and stroked. I was close, as well, tension drawing tight in my balls and a tingling in the base of my spine signaling release. “Look at me, Jude.” I pressed my forehead against her, both of us near cross-eyed at the proximity. “I love you. Should’ve said it sooner, but—”

“Shh.” She placed both hands on my cheeks and kissed me, never losing rhythm as she rose and fell. “I love you, too.” I bent my head forward into the space between neck and shoulder, breathing her in, exhaling me out, until it was just us. She came with a soft cry and I followed a moment after, pressing hard into her until I didn’t know where I ended and she began. We stood for a moment, still and reverent, looking at each other.

A rattle at the knob sounded once again, and she jerked against me. With a growl, I slipped out of her, wincing at the tug on my flesh, and set her on her feet before beginning to resituate myself. Jude’s panties were a few feet away and I picked them up and held them to her. With a grimace, she used them to wipe herself and then tucked them in her bag. I blinked. “It’s going to kill me knowing you’re naked under that skirt all day.”

Straightening her sweater, she patted my cheek with the palm of her hand and sashayed to the door. “You’ll survive. Let’s go eat. I’m starving all of a sudden.”

I watched her open the door and peep out, then step out into the hall, smiling to myself as I followed. Her entire backside was covered in white chalkdust. I needed to let her know. Right? “Jude?”

I shook my head when she glanced back.

Nah.It would drive Galen and Baron nuts. “Nevermind.” I slung my arm around her shoulder. “What do you say we find out what Galen and Baron are doing for lunch?”

Chapter 41: Jude

Several Fridays later, the four of us leaned on the kitchen counter of my little farmhouse, poring over the architectural sketches Galen had created. We were meeting with a contractor tomorrow morning to set things in motion for renovation, and I was so nervous and excited I thought I might puke.

“This is a bathroom?” I pointed at a section on the blueprint I was studying.

Galen leaned in to see where my finger was pointing. “Yes. And these are closets, and an attached laundry.”

“That’s...genius. But Galen, this is huge! It stretches the length of the current structure—”

He turned that dark blue gaze on me. “So?”

“I...” I trailed off weakly. “...don’t need it?”

Ezra was playing on his phone but looked up. “Give it up, sweetheart. Only the best for you and lil sis.”

“But I can’t afford it!” I tugged on my ponytail in frustration. “It’s too much.”

“Pinky, I already explained to you that we have more money than we know what to do with. Even Galen, since the parents gave him his own trust. We’ll split the cost and not even notice it’s gone.” Baron’s tone was patient, if long suffering. He had explained this to me. Several times.

I couldn’t help coming back time and again, though, to the fact that I was allowing these guys to essentially buy my house. “So, what happens if we all get pissed off at each other and decide to break up?” I asked.

Galen snorted. “We tried to get rid of you once. I think we’ve proven we can live together, love or hate.”

I brought my inhaler up to my mouth.

“You okay?” Ezra asked.

“You guys are making me anxious.”

Baron’s palm soothed my shoulder with a squeeze, and he turned me so he could meet my worried eyes with his own. “It’ll be okay. You will never, ever be left in the cold with us.” Another squeeze, and I felt my heart thud. He had a way of diving straight to the bottom of whatever we were working through. He knew before I even did; it was less about the money and more about trusting them so completely with my future. I’d trusted my father, once, and he had failed me.

Baron’s thumb rubbed my collarbone lightly. “Do you trust me?”

I swallowed. Took a leap. “Yes. I trust you. All of you.”

Galen smacked the blueprint in satisfaction. “That’s it, then. Babe, want me to grab your mail?”

I nodded and he began walking toward the door, only to be halted by Ezra’s laugh. “What is this shit?”

He held his phone out and Galen peered over his shoulder to read it aloud.

Dear Asshole, Yogi, and J,

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