Page 85 of Most Of You

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“Marry me.”

Emil blinked at him. “Cute.”

“I know I am, but I’m also serious.” Renzo pushed up to close the few inches that separated them, and he kissed his lover. “I don’t have a ring or a fancy speech. I just know I love you, and I’m fine if you say no, but I want to marry you.”

“I’m a mess.” Emil’s eyes were now wide and watery, and he was clinging on to Renzo just a little bit tighter.

Renzo laughed. “Yes, you are.”

“I’m always going to be a little bit wrong,” Emil whispered.

Renzo shook his head. “No. You were never wrong. You were just mishandled and mistreated by the people who were supposed to protect you. But you have us now. All of us.” He meant himself and Matty. Even Camilla, who’d lent her house to Oliver and Victor for the wedding reception and only complained a little. Emil also had Victor and Oliver as his own and Dahlia, who was the most amazing best friend a person could ask for.

But more than all that, Emil was his, and Renzo couldn’t help himself but want to make it official. “I love you more than I have words for,” Renzo said. He picked Emil’s hand up off his waist and kissed the knuckle of his ring finger. “I want you to be my husband, and I want to be yours.”

Emil swallowed heavily, his mouth dropping open, but then someone behind them began to shout.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven…”

“Fuck,” Emil whispered.

“Six, five, four…”

“There’s not a deadline,” Renzo said quickly. “You don’t have to say yes now.”

“Three, two…”

Emil cradled Renzo’s cheeks and kissed him.



“Happy New Year!”

“Yes,” Emil whispered against his cold, chapped, kiss-swollen lips. “When?”

“Now. Tomorrow. Ten years. It doesn’t matter,” Renzo said, half sobbing, half laughing because he’d said yes. Emil had said yes. And neither of them was afraid anymore.

“That sounds perfect,” Emil said, then kissed him one more time, sealing it like a promise. It all fit. And Renzo would never let go.

* * *
